International Journal of Chemical Studies
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P-ISSN: 2349-8528, E-ISSN: 2321-4902   |   

2020, Vol. 8, Special Issue 6

S. No. Articles
Correlation the incidence of major insect-pest and natural enemies with weather parameters
Suraj Kumar, Pankaj Kumar, Ram Veer, Sanjeev Sharma and Akshay Kumar
Int. J. Chem. Stud., 2020; 8(6): 01-04
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Significance, status and scope of apricot in India: A review
Om Prakash, Dilip Jain, PH Nikumbhe, Soma Srivastava and MS Raghuvanshi
Int. J. Chem. Stud., 2020; 8(6): 05-11
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A study of input utilization pattern, cost structure, returns and constraints of rabi maize in relation to its competing crops in Banswara district of Rajasthan
Urmila, Latika Sharma and Deepali
Int. J. Chem. Stud., 2020; 8(6): 12-17
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Availability of horticultural byproducts and nutritional status of growing pigs of Assam
R Bhuyan, M Chandrasekharaiah, BN Saikia, Lakhajyoti Bora and Sagarika Barman
Int. J. Chem. Stud., 2020; 8(6): 18-20
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Histochemical studies on cerebral and cerebellar cortices of pig (Sus scrofa)
KM Sujana, M Santhi Lakshmi, P Jagapathi Ramayya and B Rambabu Naik
Int. J. Chem. Stud., 2020; 8(6): 21-24
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Analysis of adoption level of post-harvest practices and value addition of Arecanut growers in Salem district of Tamil Nadu
V Mohanraj, R Velusamy and K Prabakaran
Int. J. Chem. Stud., 2020; 8(6): 25-28
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Assessment of Hemato-biochemical, mineral and oxidative changes in postpartum anoestrous (true anoestrus) Murrah Buffaloes
Saikiran BVS, Vasantha SKI, Nikhil Kumar Tej J, Lavanya S, Chandra Prasad B, Rama Goury M and Srinivasa Prasad CH
Int. J. Chem. Stud., 2020; 8(6): 29-33
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Pesticide legislation, national and international policies to maintain sustainable crop production through insect pollinator intervention
Showket A Dar, Umer Bin Farook, Kounser Javeed, Sajad H Mir, Munazah Yaqoob, Abid Showkat, Ajaz A Kundoo, Rohie Hassan and Tajamul Islam
Int. J. Chem. Stud., 2020; 8(6): 34-41
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Mountain landscapes, foraging behaviour and visitation frequencies of insect pollinators on peach (Prunus persia)
Showket A Dar, Sajad H Wani, Kounser Javeed, Sajad H Mir, Munazah Yaqoob, Abid Showkat, Ajaz A Kundoo, Rohie Hassan, Umer Bin Farook and Tajamul Islam
Int. J. Chem. Stud., 2020; 8(6): 42-49
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An explorative study on usage pattern of pesticides among tomato growing farmers in Anantapur district of Andhra Pradesh
Dhanyasi Ribka, K. Mahendran, S. Moghana Lavanya and S. Senthilnathan
Int. J. Chem. Stud., 2020; 8(6): 50-53
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An economic analysis of cauliflower production and its constraints in Krishnagiri district of Tamil Nadu
S. Arunkumar, A. Daniel Viswasam Samuel, P. Masilamani and B. Sivasankari
Int. J. Chem. Stud., 2020; 8(6): 78-81
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A time series analysis of cost components of rice cultivation in major rice producing states of India
Sarita Sharma, RM Sahu, HO Sharma and Sebin Sara Solomon
Int. J. Chem. Stud., 2020; 8(6): 82-84
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Physico-chemical properties of Paneer prepared from blends of raw turmeric extract and buffalo milk
SP Khobragade, PV Padghan, BM Thombre and Karan Jamadar
Int. J. Chem. Stud., 2020; 8(6): 85-90
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Efficacy of new generation insecticide molecules for controlling fall armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda J. E. smith, (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) in maize
Sunil Kumar M, Basavaraju BS, Vijay Kumar L, Sanath Kumar VB and Thimme Gowda P
Int. J. Chem. Stud., 2020; 8(6): 91-96
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Survey of pencil point disorder manifested coconut gardens of Pollachi taluk, Coimbatore Dt, Tamil Nadu
C Sudhalakshmi, T Sindhu, J Rahamath Nisha, K Venkatesan and V Ramaswami
Int. J. Chem. Stud., 2020; 8(6): 97-101
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A Gender study on resource use in onion integrated pest management
Uma K, Praveena S and M Anjugam
Int. J. Chem. Stud., 2020; 8(6): 102-106
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Knowledge of agriculture technology school students
Dangore AP, Wakle PK and Raut AG
Int. J. Chem. Stud., 2020; 8(6): 107-109
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Employing engineered nanoparticles to improve nutrient use efficiency
Suraj Melkani, Lata Panoura, Manisha Chamoli and Tulika Sharma
Int. J. Chem. Stud., 2020; 8(6): 110-115
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Molecular characterization of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) Genotypes using ISSR markers
SK Rajoriya, Arunabh Joshi, Prateek Sharma and Devendra Jain
Int. J. Chem. Stud., 2020; 8(6): 116-120
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Effect of fly ash, organic manure and fertilizers on nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium content in grain and straw in rice-wheat cropping system in Alfisols and Vertisols
LK Ramteke and SS Sengar
Int. J. Chem. Stud., 2020; 8(6): 121-125
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International Journal of Chemical Studies