International Journal of Chemical Studies
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P-ISSN: 2349-8528, E-ISSN: 2321-4902   |   

Vol. 8, Special Issue 6 (2020)

A study of input utilization pattern, cost structure, returns and constraints of rabi maize in relation to its competing crops in Banswara district of Rajasthan

Author(s): Urmila, Latika Sharma and Deepali

Abstract: Present study was formulated to examine the scope and prospects of rabi maize in Banswara district of Rajasthan. For this purpose, input utilization pattern, cost structure and returns of the crop were analyzed using the CACP concepts in relation to its two most important competing crops (i.e. kharif maize and wheat) during the year 2017-18. A total sample of 45 farmers cultivating all three crops was selected randomly from three villages of Banswara tehsil. The results of the study revealed that the total cost of cultivation was reported higher in case of rabi maize (₹ 55946.02 per hectare) as compared to kharif maize (₹ 33937.97 per hectare) and wheat crop (₹ 49778.93 per hectare). This is mainly because of the higher total variable cost reported in case of rabi maize (₹ 44685.20 per hectare) than wheat (₹ 26690 per hectare) and kharif maize (₹ 39259.26 per hectare). Higher cost have been observed mainly because of the intensive input application found in rabi maize like higher use of seeds (24.6 Kg/ha), fertilizer application (374.77 kg per hectare) and farm yard manure (165.6 Q/ha); were found substantially high in comparison to the other two crops. All this contributed towards the higher yield resulted in rabi maize (73.17 quintals per hectare) as against 27.44 and 38.6 quintals per hectare for kharif maize and wheat crop, respectively. Gross and net income were also found higher in case of rabi maize viz., ₹ 102424.60/ha and ₹ 46478.56/ha, respectively. Also, the constraints faced by the farmers in rabi maize cultivation were analysed to overcome the obstacles in production. This climatic suitability coupled with emerging immense irrigation capabilities due to “Mahi Bajaj Sagar Project” in Banswara district contributed towards the higher B:C ratio of rabi maize (1.83) in comparison to kharif maize (1.38) and wheat crop (1.55); indicating bright future of the crop in the study area.

DOI: 10.22271/chemi.2020.v8.i6a.10818

Pages: 12-17  |  1144 Views  188 Downloads

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How to cite this article:
Urmila, Latika Sharma and Deepali. A study of input utilization pattern, cost structure, returns and constraints of rabi maize in relation to its competing crops in Banswara district of Rajasthan. International Journal of Chemical Studies. 2020; 8(6): 12-17. DOI: 10.22271/chemi.2020.v8.i6a.10818

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International Journal of Chemical Studies