Vol. 9, Special Issue 3 (2021)
Enhancing growth and grain yield of rice in Vaikom Kari soils of Kuttanad in Kerala through acidity amelioration and nutrient management practices
Author(s): Devi VS
Abstract: The experiment was conducted during August to December 2015 and 2016 in farmer’s fields in Thalayazham panchayat in Kottayam district, Kerala, India. The experiment was laid out in RBD with 16 treatments in three replications with rice var. Uma. The treatments were dolomite, lime + MgSO4 or RHA (rice husk ash) + MgSO4 along with 100% POP (package of practice recommendation of Kerala Agricultural University) alone or with 100% POP + foliar spray of 13:0:45 (1%) or borax (0.5%) or 13:0:45 (N:P:K) + borax at PI stage. Lime + MgSO4 + 75% POP + 13:0:45 + borax as well as lime without MgSO4 + 100% POP combined with 13:0:45 or borax or both were also included as treatments. The treatments involving dolomite and also lime with or without MgSO4 produced taller plants, higher tiller number m-2 and higher LAI during both the years. Dolomite + POP + 13:0:45 produced the highest number of panicles m-2. Higher grain test weight and lower sterility percentage were observed with dolomite + POP + 13:0:45 and dolomite + POP + 13:0:45 + borax. Higher grain yield of 5.42 and 5.57tha-1 during 2015 and 2016 respectively were produced by dolomite + POP + 13:0:45 followed by dolomite + POP + 13:0:45 + borax and lime + MgSO4+ POP + 13:0:45. Grain yield was significantly and positively correlated with LAI at MT and PI stages and with panicle number m-2. Pooled analysis also proved the significance of the above treatments in producing higher grain yield. Lower yields were produced by the treatments involving RHA and 75% POP during both the years and in the pooled data. In general, higher straw yields were noticed with the treatments involving dolomite or lime along with foliar spray of 13:0:45 or 13:0:45 + borax. Higher dry matter production was noticed with dolomite + POP along with 13:0:45 or borax during first year and with dolomite + POP or lime + MgSO4 + POP along with 13:0:45 or 13:0:45 + borax during second year.
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How to cite this article:
Devi VS. Enhancing growth and grain yield of rice in Vaikom Kari soils of Kuttanad in Kerala through acidity amelioration and nutrient management practices. International Journal of Chemical Studies. 2021; 9(3): 21-26.