Vol. 9, Special Issue 1 (2021)
Evaluation of different Kalanamak rice genotypes for yield and yield related traits of eastern Uttar Pradesh
Author(s): DP Singh, V Chandra and T Tiwari
Abstract: Crop genotypes play a dominant role in crop production systems. Uttar Pradesh has been the home of some of the finest quality scented rices. Kalanamak is an important and popular scented rice variety grown in Eastern Uttar Pradesh. This variety is famous for its taste and aroma. In eastern India it is cooked in honour of guest or given as gift. It can be boon for farmers of Eastern Uttar Pradesh and Tarai area of Bihar. In present study 7+2 lines/varieties of Kalanamak, collected from IARI, New Delhi were evaluated on the basis of vital to know the effects of various characters on yield for selection criteria for high yielding genotype. The experiments laid out of two set 1st was on station and 2nd on farmers field of Maharajganj district with two block and two villages viz: block Siswa Bazar (Gopala & Keshrari), Meethura (Karuta & Parsauni). Yield and yield related traits were studied. Statistical analysis exhibited that rice varieties differed significantly for days to 50% flowering, plant height cm, panicle per sqm, no. of spikelet’s/panicle, SRF% grain yield kg/ha, grain type and insect/pest and disease. Moreover, significantly positive genotypic correlations of grain yield with plant height and panicle/m2 were observed. Principal component analysis also classified superior varieties, shows that maximum yield was recorded for station trial and farmers field the genotypes of Pusa 1652-10-11-2-1-1-1 on station and farmers field grain yield of (3134 kg/ha & 3096 kg/ha), % increase over check Bouna Kalanamak on station and farmers field 18.4% & 19.39%, followed by Pusa 07-62-3-13 grain yield of on station and farmers field (3059 kg/ha & 3088 kg/ha), grain yield increase over check was on station and farmers field 15.21% and 18.78% have high yield stability. The investment on production by adopting improved Kalanamak line/varieties with a value of Rs. 32192/ha. Cultivation of under improved Kalanamak line/varities Pusa 1652-10-11-2-1-1-1fetch higher net return of value Rs. 95,976/- compared to check variety Bouna Kalanamak to amount of Rs. 80,383/- ha, followed by Pusa 07-62-3-13 Rs. 95,480/-, Pusa 1638-07-130-2-67-1-1-1 Rs. 92,504/- and Pusa 1652-10-11-2-2-2-3 of Rs. 90,613/-. The B:C ratio of improved Kalanamak lines/varieties of Pusa 1652-10-11-2-1-1-1was 2.98, followed by Pusa 07-62-3-13 was 2.97 compared to check variety Bouna Kalanamak was 2.50.
Pusa 1652-10-11-2-1-1-1 and Pusa 07-62-3-13 can be used as commercial cultivars in Maharajganj and other Tarai district of Eastern Uttar Pradesh area after multi- location yield test trials.
DOI: 10.22271/chemi.2021.v9.i1b.11449
Pages: 97-101 | 1179 Views 309 Downloads
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How to cite this article:
DP Singh, V Chandra and T Tiwari. Evaluation of different Kalanamak rice genotypes for yield and yield related traits of eastern Uttar Pradesh. International Journal of Chemical Studies. 2021; 9(1): 97-101. DOI: 10.22271/chemi.2021.v9.i1b.11449