Vol. 8, Special Issue 5 (2020)
Cage culture system principles and practices in India: A review
Author(s): Vivek Kumar and Ghanshyam Panwar
Abstract: Cage culture system is one of the emerging techniques of Aquacultural engineering discipline employed for commercial culturing of aquatic species especially fishes in different aquatic environment. Natural resources such as land and fresh water are scarce resources throughout the world. Population burden is increasing day by day especially in developing countries such as China, India and African Countries thus demands for protein rich food sources are increasing. This increase in demand for protein rich food can be fulfilled by using culturing of fishes with some aquaculture techniques such as cage culture and pen culture. The objective of this paper is to try to review the different aspects of cage culture such as its principles, construction, different types and operation in different developing countries of the world especially India, which provides an alternative to land resources and utilized our vast water resources which are present in forms of different ocean, seas, rivers and lakes. India is having different aquatic environment such as freshwater, brackish water and marine water.
DOI: 10.22271/chemi.2020.v8.i5b.10456
Pages: 118-124 | 1425 Views 469 Downloads
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How to cite this article:
Vivek Kumar and Ghanshyam Panwar. Cage culture system principles and practices in India: A review. International Journal of Chemical Studies. 2020; 8(5): 118-124. DOI: 10.22271/chemi.2020.v8.i5b.10456