Vol. 8, Special Issue 4 (2020)
Extent of adoption of improved dairy management practices by the farmers of Yadgir district of Kalyana Karnataka region
Author(s): Mahesh, Manjunath, K Amaresh Kumar, Satishkumar Kale, Umesh Barikar and Sreenivas BV
Abstract: The study was conducted to know the extent of adoption of improved dairy management practices of farmers of Yadgir district of Kalyana Karnataka region during the year 2019-2020. The major findings revealed that majority of the respondents (48.00 %) belonged to medium adoption category and 42 per cent of respondents were belonged to low adoption category. While; only 10 per cent of respondents were belonged to high adoption category. Regarding breeding, health, feeding and other management practices, majority of the farmers regularly adapted the practices like cleaning of animal shed (94.00 %) followed by feeding colostrums to newly born calf within half an hour of birth (72.00%), full hand method of milking (67.00 %), feeding colostrums to newly born calves at the rate of 10% of body weight for minimum 5 days (63.00%), providing clean drinking water to animals (48.00%), vaccination against contagious diseases and hay making (42.00%) equally. With respect to non adoption of practices, majority of the farmers were never adopted the practices like silage making (98.00%), calf dehorning (94.00%) maintaining of different records (90.00%), isolation of sick animals (88.00%), head to head / tail to tail system of housing (86.00%), construction of floor in shed and disinfection of novel cord (84.00%) equally, isolation of advance pregnant animals and burial/incineration method of carcass disposal and quarantine practice (80.00%) equally, fodder utilization methods like chaffing the dry fodder at 2-3 cm in length, salt water, urea and jaggery treatment of dry fodder (73.00%), feeding concentration mixture on the basis of milk production (68.00%), feeding extra concentrate ration to pregnant animals is (66.00%), practicing artificial insemination at proper time of heat (60.00%), growing green fodder and practicing deworming in calves (54.00%), balanced ration feeding (50.00%) and vaccination against the contagious diseases (43.00%).
DOI: 10.22271/chemi.2020.v8.i4e.10047
Pages: 311-314 | 888 Views 207 Downloads
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How to cite this article:
Mahesh, Manjunath, K Amaresh Kumar, Satishkumar Kale, Umesh Barikar and Sreenivas BV. Extent of adoption of improved dairy management practices by the farmers of Yadgir district of Kalyana Karnataka region. International Journal of Chemical Studies. 2020; 8(4): 311-314. DOI: 10.22271/chemi.2020.v8.i4e.10047