Vol. 8, Special Issue 3 (2020)
The impact of DSR method on output and income levels of paddy farmers in NEK region of Karnataka: An economics analysis
Author(s): Pavankumar Deshetty, Prabhuling Tevari, Jagrathi Deshmanya and Devendra Beeraladinni
Abstract: Rice (Oryzae sativa L.) is the world's most important crop and is a staple food for more than half of the world's population. In India, rice is grown in an area of 44.6 million ha with a production of 109.5 million tonnes and average productivity of 2.62 tonnes per ha. In India rice is commonly grown by transplanting seedlings in the puddle soils which is less economically feasible compared to Direct Seeded Rice (DSR). Hence the most promising option for the future is to adopt direct sowing of rice in place of transplanting. Globally 23.00 per cent of rice cultivated is being observed as direct seeded. An effort has been made in this investigation to address various issues and the benefits of DSR over TPR and how best the labour, land, capital, water and time can be utilized with DSR method of rice cultivation. There may be variations in the cost of cultivation even between two different sample areas. This will have an impact on returns also. The study was conducted in TBP and UKP command areas in NEK region of Karnataka. Slightly higher yield in UKP command area was noticed, but total cost was higher in TBP command area and overall there existed higher net returns of Rs. 223.24 per acre for DSR method. The average net gain in DSR method of paddy cultivation for both the command areas pooled together was Rs. 2,145.52 per acre. The family incomes of DSR and TPR farmers have a difference of Rs. 66,436.80 per family which was 12.85 per cent higher among the TPR farmers. It can be concluded that, DSR is an important resource conservation technique; hence the farmers should be motivated through different media to adopt this enterprise.
DOI: 10.22271/chemi.2020.v8.i3a.9804
Pages: 38-43 | 1056 Views 165 Downloads
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How to cite this article:
Pavankumar Deshetty, Prabhuling Tevari, Jagrathi Deshmanya and Devendra Beeraladinni. The impact of DSR method on output and income levels of paddy farmers in NEK region of Karnataka: An economics analysis. International Journal of Chemical Studies. 2020; 8(3): 38-43. DOI: 10.22271/chemi.2020.v8.i3a.9804