Vol. 7, Special Issue 6 (2019)
Extent of relationship between the socio-economic characteristics of the beneficiary farmers with their perception towards development programmes in Kerala State
Author(s): Darsana S and SV Suresha
Abstract: The agricultural scenario in Kerala is somewhat unique and distinct from many other states in India in terms of land utilization pattern and the cropping pattern. Even though, improved educational opportunities and overseas migration prospects adversely affected the agriculture, the agrarian distress. Government efforts should not only foster the production and productivity, but also needs to retain a competitive and enthusiastic community in farming for future generation too. The present research paper was focused on the assessment of the relationship of profile characteristic with welfare and perception of beneficiaries on the development programmes. The study was conducted during 2017-18 in the state of Kerala, India. Palakkad district of Kerala state was purposively identified among them Chittur and Kuzhalmannam blocks were selected based on the ratio of cultivator population to total population. Thirty each in seven combinations formed a total of 210 respondents. All the respondents availed the benefits of one or more development programmes. Multinomial logit model found that in very low welfare category: dependency ratio, risk orientation, scientific orientation and mass media participation and economic motivation, in low welfare category: age, political determinism and economic orientation, in medium welfare category: extension contact and economic motivation, in high welfare cateories: age, orientation towards incentives, farming commitment and economic motivation were significantly explaining the extent of relationship with respect to the very high category of welfare. Multinomial logit model found that in very low perception category: age, extension contact, extension participation, scientific orientation, political determinism and information sharing behavior, in low perception category: extension contact, economic motivation and management orientation, in medium perception category: age, farming experience, orientation towards incentives, political determinism and information sharing behavior, in high perception category : innovative proneness and management orientation were significantly explaining the extent of relationship with respect to the very high perception category.
Pages: 964-971 | 727 Views 136 Downloads
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How to cite this article:
Darsana S and SV Suresha. Extent of relationship between the socio-economic characteristics of the beneficiary farmers with their perception towards development programmes in Kerala State. International Journal of Chemical Studies. 2019; 7(6): 964-971.