Vol. 7, Special Issue 6 (2019)
Economics of mentha oil production in Ambedkar Nagar district of Uttar Pradesh
Author(s): RR Verma, Sandeep Kumar, Ashish Srivastava, RR Kushwaha and Ravindra Singh
Abstract: The study based on 100 farms (Marginal 56, Small 29 and Medium 15) were interviewed from five villages of Ambedkar Nagar district of Uttar Pradesh. The study revealed that average holding size was 1.30 hectare and cropping intensity was 273.64 percent, menthe occupied 22.37 percent of gross cropped area. It offers net income Rs. 102908.27 with an expenditure of Rs. 78594.50 as total cost per hectare. Cost of production per Kg. menthe oil was found to be Rs. 444.18. Input-output ratio was found to be 1:2.15 on overall farm. Mentha cultivation in the study was characterized in decreasing return to scale.
Pages: 933-935 | 818 Views 221 Downloads
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How to cite this article:
RR Verma, Sandeep Kumar, Ashish Srivastava, RR Kushwaha and Ravindra Singh. Economics of mentha oil production in Ambedkar Nagar district of Uttar Pradesh. International Journal of Chemical Studies. 2019; 7(6): 933-935.