International Journal of Chemical Studies
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P-ISSN: 2349-8528, E-ISSN: 2321-4902   |   

Vol. 7, Special Issue 6 (2019)

Direct and residual effect of Trichoderma inoculated biocompost with chemical fertilizer on productivity of sugarcane plant-ratoon system

Author(s): SK Sinha, CK Jha, Vipin Kumar and SK Thakur

Abstract: Direct and residual effect of Trichoderma inoculated bio compost with chemical fertilizer on productivity of sugarcane plant-ratoon system was conducted from 2012-2016 to in calcareous soil. The dose of K was substituted through bio compost (BC). The application of 100% NPK + BC @ 5 t/ha inoculated with Trichoderma was found effective in improving cane and sugar yield, maximum to the tune of 35.0 and 39.6 per cent respectively, in plant crop which was found at par with plots receiving 100% NP +75% K through inorganic fertilizer + 25% K through BC + Trichoderma. Number of mill able cane (70-99.1x103/ha), cane yield (62.0-83.7 t ha-1) and sugar yield (7.25-10.12 t ha-1) varied significantly due to integrated use of organic and inorganic fertilizer. The residual effect of treatment receiving organic and inorganic fertilizer in combination with Trichoderma was also pronounced on number of mill able cane (94.0 x 103 ha-1), yield (79.50 t ha-1) and sugar yield (9.32 t ha-1). The uptake of nutrients varied significantly and followed the similar trend as cane yield. Trichoderma inoculated bio compost significantly improved the soil properties in terms of organic carbon, available macro and micro nutrients, microbial communities with significant reduction in bulk density of post-harvest soil. The application of Trichoderma inoculated bio compost substitute 25% recommended dose of potassium in sugarcane plant-ratoon system. 100% NP +75% K through chemical fertilizer + 25% K through bio compost inoculated with Trichoderma improved soil fertility status, nutrient uptake and yield of sugarcane plant-ratoon system in calcareous soil.

Pages: 831-836  |  604 Views  111 Downloads

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How to cite this article:
SK Sinha, CK Jha, Vipin Kumar and SK Thakur. Direct and residual effect of Trichoderma inoculated biocompost with chemical fertilizer on productivity of sugarcane plant-ratoon system. International Journal of Chemical Studies. 2019; 7(6): 831-836.

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International Journal of Chemical Studies