Vol. 7, Special Issue 6 (2019)
Evaluation and Comparative Study of Surface Water of Forested Catchment of Three Different Forest Types of Jharkhand using Water Quality Index
Author(s): Rashmi Khushboo Minz, Nikita Kumari, Rachna Sunanda Kachhap, Zeba Perween, Pradeep Kumar Thakur, Kamlesh Pandey
Abstract: The study of surface water in three different forest types i.e. Northern Dry Mixed Deciduous, Dry Peninsular Sal and Moist Deciduous Sal forests has been carried out to assess the water quality for drinking and wildlife propagation. For this purpose, twenty- three surface water samples were collected from small river stream situated in the different forest types. The collected samples were analyzed for pH, temperature, electrical conductivity, total dissolved solids (TDS), total hardness, total alkalinity, major cations (Ca2, Mg2), major anions (F-, Cl-, NO3-, SO42-) and dissolved oxygen and biological oxygen demand concentration. The analytical results show mildly acidic water in Northern Dry Mixed Deciduous forest to alkaline water in two other forest types. Water Quality Index (WQI) is one of the most effective tools to communicate information on the quality of any water body. The computed WQI values of Northern Dry Mixed Deciduous forest range from 108.12 to 434.74 with an average value of 187.90, the WQI of Dry Peninsular Sal forest range from 25.15 to 159.25 with an average value of 11.02 and in Moist Deciduous Sal forest the WQI value ranges from 41.06 to 114.79 with an average value of 8.7. Maximum numbers of excellent to good water quality have been found from Moist Deciduous Sal forest and Dry Peninsular Sal forest.
Pages: 491-494 | 523 Views 71 Downloads
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How to cite this article:
Rashmi Khushboo Minz, Nikita Kumari, Rachna Sunanda Kachhap, Zeba Perween, Pradeep Kumar Thakur, Kamlesh Pandey. Evaluation and Comparative Study of Surface Water of Forested Catchment of Three Different Forest Types of Jharkhand using Water Quality Index. International Journal of Chemical Studies. 2019; 7(6): 491-494.