International Journal of Chemical Studies
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P-ISSN: 2349-8528, E-ISSN: 2321-4902   |   Impact Factor: GIF: 0.565

Vol. 7, Special Issue 6 (2019)

Soil properties, productivity and juice quality of sugarcane through integration of organic and inorganic nutrient sources in calcareous soil

Author(s): CK Jha, SK Sinha, SK Thakur and Vipin Kumar

Abstract: The present study was undertaken to assess the magnitude of changes in soil properties and productivity of sugarcane with integration of inorganic (chemical fertilizer) and organic (vermicompost, neem cake and castor cake and biofertilizers) nutrient sources of fertilizer during 2016-18 in calcareous soil. Integration of organic and inorganic nutrient sources showed significant increase in organic carbon and respiration rate of soil after sugarcane harvest. The mean organic carbon (4.28-4.93g kg-1) and CO2 evolution (9.91-17.10 mg-1100gm soil day-1) varied significantly. Increased soil respiration rate indicating higher microbial activity and high rate of decomposition of organic matter in soil. The integrated nutrient management practices was also found effective in improving soil fertility in terms of available NPK content of post-harvest soil over control. The significant improvement in bulk density and porosity were observed with increasing proportion of various organic with inorganic fertilizer. Plant population, number of millable cane, cane length, single cane weight and cane yield were significantly affected due to integrated use of nutrients through inorganic and organic sources. The significantly higher cane yield (83.86t/ha) were recorded in treatment receiving 50% N through inorganics + 50% N through organics (Vermicompost + castor cake + neem cake) 1/3eah along with bio-fertilizer followed by treatment receiving 50% NPK+ 50% N (Vermicompost + castor cake) ½ each + biofertilizer (78.88 t ha-1). The juice quality parameters viz. brix, pol, purity and commercial cane sugar percent remains unaffected due to integrated use of organic and inorganic fertilizer however, juice recovery (61.23-66.48%) and sugar yield (7.70-9.48 t/ha) varied significantly. Integration of chemical fertilizer with organic nutrient combinations of vermicompost and neem/castor oil cakes along with biofertilizers was more effective for sustainable sugarcane production and maintenance of soil health.

Pages: 297-302  |  501 Views  84 Downloads

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How to cite this article:
CK Jha, SK Sinha, SK Thakur and Vipin Kumar. Soil properties, productivity and juice quality of sugarcane through integration of organic and inorganic nutrient sources in calcareous soil. International Journal of Chemical Studies. 2019; 7(6): 297-302.

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International Journal of Chemical Studies