International Journal of Chemical Studies
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P-ISSN: 2349-8528, E-ISSN: 2321-4902   |   

Vol. 7, Special Issue 6 (2019)

Effect of nitrogen management and plant growth regulators on growth attributes of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)

Author(s): Jai Prakash Gupta, Rajesh Kumar and Vimlesh Kumar

Abstract: The present investigation was conducted with the aim to know the effect of nitrogen management through organic and in-organic sources and plant growth regulators on the growth and development of the wheat cultivar HD-2968. The present study was conducted in the split plot design the treatments consist of four nutrient management, absolute control, RDF (Recommended dose of fertilizer) 150:60:40, 150% RDF. (225:90:60), 150% RDF+15 t FYM ha-1 in main plots and four plant growth regulators, control-two sprays of water (400 lit water ha-1) at first node and flag leaf stages. two spray of Chlormequat chloride (CCC) (Lihocin @ 0.2% (800 ml ha-1) of commercial product dose at First node (Around 45 DAS) and flag leaf (Around 80 DAS) using 400 lit water ha-1. two sprays of Tebuconazole (Folicur 430sc) @ 0.1% at (400 ml ha-1) First Node and Flag leaf with 400 lit water ha-1. two spray combined application of Lihocin + Folicar in sub-plots. The application of nitrogen levels and plant growth regulators significantly influenced the plant height, number of tillers, leaf area index and dry matter accumulation at all the stages except at 30 days after sowing during both the years.

Pages: 260-263  |  669 Views  121 Downloads

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How to cite this article:
Jai Prakash Gupta, Rajesh Kumar and Vimlesh Kumar. Effect of nitrogen management and plant growth regulators on growth attributes of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). International Journal of Chemical Studies. 2019; 7(6): 260-263.

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International Journal of Chemical Studies