Vol. 7, Special Issue 6 (2019)
Effect of bio-organic and inorganic nutrient sources on the growth and flower yield of marigold
Author(s): Naresh Prasad Sahu, Gaurav Sharma and Ashish Kumar Jaiswal
Abstract: An investigation was carried out to study the effect of bio-organic and inorganic nutrient sources on the growth and flower yield of marigold during Rabi season of the year 2013-14. The experiment comprised of three replications laid out in Randomized Block Design having twelve treatment combinations of bio-organic and inorganic nutrient sources. Application of Azo + PSB + Cow Urine (5%) + 50% RD‘N’ through VC + 50% RDF was found to be more effective in increasing the vegetative growth parameters like plant height, plant spread, number of primary and secondary branches plant-1 as well as flowering attributes viz., days to 50% flowering, flower diameter, number of flowers plant-1, fresh flower weight plant-1, dry flower weight pant-1, flower yield plot-1, ha-1 and duration of flowering. Longest shelf life was also recorded with the treatment receiving Azo + PSB + Cow Urine (5%) + 50% RD‘N’ through VC + 50% RDF. However, the effect of Azo + PSB + 50% RD‘N’ through VC + 50% RDF was found to be at par with Azo + PSB + Cow Urine (5%) + 50% RD‘N’ through VC + 50% RDF. But maximum benefit: cost ratio was obtained in Azo + PSB + Cow Urine (5%) + 50% VC equivalent to RD‘N’ + 50% RDF.
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How to cite this article:
Naresh Prasad Sahu, Gaurav Sharma and Ashish Kumar Jaiswal. Effect of bio-organic and inorganic nutrient sources on the growth and flower yield of marigold. International Journal of Chemical Studies. 2019; 7(6): 18-21.