Vol. 6, Special Issue 4 (2018)
Effect of weed management practices on crop weed competition for nutrients uptake by weeds and direct sown finger millet in Jharkhand
Author(s): Satish Kumar Pandey, Rajni Kiran Lakra, Sumitap Ranjan, Sonal Kumari and Avinash Kumar Paswan
Abstract: A field experiment was conducted on weed management practices in direct sown finger millet at Agronomical farm, Birsa Agricultural University, Ranchi during kharif season of 2016. The objective of the study was to determine the effect of weed management practices on weed dynamics, crop growth, crop yield and economics of finger millet. Commelina bengalensis L. was found to be the most dominant weed species affecting finger millet yield. Significant differences were observed at 5% probability among weed control practices on total weed density, weed biomass and crop yield. The study indicated that 71.79% yield reduction was recorded from weedy check plot. The results revealed that pre-emergence application of Bensulfuron methyl (0.6% G) + Pretilachlor (6.0 % G) @ 3 kg/ha fb one inter-culture at 45 days after sowing recorded significantly lower total weed density at 45 (100.67 per m2) and nutrient uptake by weeds (8.51, 3.03 and 7.36 kg/ha NPK, respectively) as compared to weedy check plot. However, pre-emergence application of bensulfuron methyl (0.6% G) + pretilachlor (6.0 % G) at 3 kg/ha recorded significantly higher grain and straw yield (3412 and 5828 kg/ha, respectively) and nutrient uptake by plant (72.8, 19.0 and 65.1 kg/ha NPK, respectively) by direct sown finger millet. Whereas, the net returns (Rs. 45274 ha-1) was higher with the pre-emergence application of bensulfuron methyl (0.6 % G) + pretilachlor (6.0 % GR) at 2 kg/ha as compared to weedy check plot (Rs.2781 ha-1). From the studies it can be concluded that pre-emergence application of Bensulfuron methyl (0.6% G) + Pretilachlor (6.0 % G) @ 3 kg/ha reduced the weed competition for nutrients as a result of this the grain yield and nutrient uptake by crop was more.
Pages: 132-135 | 834 Views 130 Downloads
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How to cite this article:
Satish Kumar Pandey, Rajni Kiran Lakra, Sumitap Ranjan, Sonal Kumari and Avinash Kumar Paswan. Effect of weed management practices on crop weed competition for nutrients uptake by weeds and direct sown finger millet in Jharkhand. International Journal of Chemical Studies. 2018; 6(4): 132-135.