Vol. 6, Special Issue 4 (2018)
Response of herbicide on root nodules, economics and phytotoxicity on chickpea
Author(s): SK Dubey, Arun Kumar, SK Choudhary, Vinod Kumar and Tej Pratap
Abstract: The field experiment was conducted during Rabi season of the year 2011 at Agronomy Research Farm of N.D. University of Agriculture and Technology, Kumarganj, Faizabad Uttar Pradesh to find out most suitable weed management practice for control of weeds in chickpea and increase the yield, net return and benefit cost ratio. Results indicated that weed free treatments significantly positive impact on fresh and dry weight of nodules per plant (mg) at different growth stages of chickpea over weedcontrol by different herbicide treatments. The significantly highest values of fresh and dry weight of nodules per plant (mg) at 45 DAS and 60 DAS was recorded in weed free plot at each growth stage except dry weight of nodules per plant (mg) at 45 DAS was maximum (392.0mg) in oxyfluorfen 200 g (PE) fbquizalofop 60 g/ha (PoE) plot and number of branches at 60 and 90 DAS was found highest in weed free plot (11.21 22.50) respectively and found statically at par with pendimethalin 1000 g/ha (PE), pendimethalin 1000 g(PE) fbquizalofop 60 g/ha ( PoE) and pendimethalin 1000 g(PE) fbclodinafop 60 g/ha ( PoE) plot at 60 DAS and at 90 DAS significantly lowest value of number of branches (11.10) in pendimethalin750 g(PE) fbquizalafop 60 g + oxyfluorfen 200 g/ha (PoE) plot. Pendimethalin750 g (PE) fbquizalafop 60 g + oxyfluorfen 200 g/ha (PoE) and oxyfluorfen200 g + quizalofop 60 g/ha (PoE) treatments where very severe toxicity (about 80 %) was observed followed by oxyfluorfen 200 g + fbclodinafop 60 g/ha (PoE) and pendimethalin 1000 g (PE) fbimazethapyr 75 g + quizalofop 60 g/ha(PoE), respectively. The maximum reduction in seed yieldof chickpea were recorded in pre-emergence application of pendimethalin 750g followed by combined post-emergence application of quizalofop-ethyl 60g + oxyfluorfen 200g/haat 35DAS this was caused due to phyto-toxicity among the herbicides under treatment. Maximum net monetary returns (₹ 53588.05/ha) and B:C ratio (2.24) were recorded in pre-emergence application of pendimethalin1000g and post-emergence application of clodinafop 60g/ha at 35 DAS, and next best net monetary returns ₹ 50448.05/ha and B:C ratio (2.05) obtained in pre-emergence application of pendimethalin1000g and post emergence application of quizalofop-ethyl 60 g/haat 35 DAS and pre-emergence application of pendimethalin 750g followed by combined post-emergence application of quizalofop-ethyl 60g + oxyfluorfen200g/haat 35 DAS and post-emergence application of oxyfluorfen200g + quizalofop-ethyl 60g/ha (PoE) the net monetary returns and B:C ratio were in negative.
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How to cite this article:
SK Dubey, Arun Kumar, SK Choudhary, Vinod Kumar and Tej Pratap. Response of herbicide on root nodules, economics and phytotoxicity on chickpea. International Journal of Chemical Studies. 2018; 6(4): 01-05.