Vol. 10, Issue 1 (2022)
Storage studies on pasteurized sugarcane juice
Author(s): Mridu Megha Dalai and Manoj Kumar Panda
Abstract: Storage study was conducted to observe the shelf life of sugarcane juice by effect of pasteurization treatment at 90 °C for holding time 90s. Pasteurization treatment at 90 °C for holding time 90 sec have quality attributes like color change (15.6), TSS (14°Brix), titrable acidity (0.143%), total phenolic content (27 mg GAE/100ml), reducing sugar (2.54%), polyphenol oxidase activity (0.91unit of ppo/ml), microbial load (3.5 log cfu/ml) and sensory evaluation (8.66). The effects on different quality parameters of the product such as color, TSS, titrable acidity, phenolic content, reducing sugar, PPO activity, microbial load and sensory evaluation were studied at every 7 days interval. The storage studies of pasteurized treated juice indicate that the juice could be stored at refrigerated condition up to 15 days. Under the ambient condition, the treated juice gets spoiled within two days, therefore it was kept under refrigerated condition. Thus, it was found that pasteurized treated sugarcane juice at 90 °C for 90 sec can be stored under refrigerated condition (8-10 °C) up to 15 days.
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How to cite this article:
Mridu Megha Dalai, Manoj Kumar Panda. Storage studies on pasteurized sugarcane juice. Int J Chem Stud 2022;10(1):40-44.