Vol. 9, Issue 4 (2021)
Growth and yield of Kasuri methi (Trigonella corniculata L.) var. Pusa Kasuri as influenced by different organic manures and biofertilizers under Telangana conditions
Author(s): Chandan TK, D Lakshminarayana, N Seenivasan, Veena Joshi and S Praneeth Kumar
Abstract: A field experiment was conducted during rabi 2019-20 at College of Horticulture, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad, Sri Konda Laxman Telangana State Horticultural University, Mulugu, Telangana, to study the efficacy of different organic manures and biofertilizers on kasuri methi (Trigonella corniculata L.) var. Pusa Kasuri. The experiment was evaluated in randomized block design with eleven treatment combinations were replicated thrice. Among the treatments, T10 - 50% RDN through FYM (8 t ha-1) + 50% RDN through Neem cake (1 t ha-1) + 50% RDN through Vermicompost (4 t ha-1) + AMC (7.5 lit ha-1) recorded significantlyhigher plant height (42.07 cm), more number of branches per plant (25.02), significantly maximum plant spread (North-South 29.82 cm and East-West 31.20 cm) at harvesting stage. The same treatment also registered significantly the highest fresh herb yield per plant and per hectare (24.63 g and 8090.53 kg respectively), dry herb yield per plant and per hectare (5.78 g and 1615.69 kg respectively), maximum number of days taken to first and 50 per cent flowering (64.87 days and 95.55 days respectively), significantly more number of pods per plant (634.56), pod length (2.02 cm), maximum number of seeds per pod (6.03), significantly the highest seed yield per plant and per hectare (1.61 g and 482.41 kg respectively) and maximum test weight (1.63 g).
Pages: 280-284 | 699 Views 151 Downloads
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How to cite this article:
Chandan TK, D Lakshminarayana, N Seenivasan, Veena Joshi, S Praneeth Kumar. Growth and yield of Kasuri methi (Trigonella corniculata L.) var. Pusa Kasuri as influenced by different organic manures and biofertilizers under Telangana conditions. Int J Chem Stud 2021;9(4):280-284.