Vol. 9, Issue 4 (2021)
Development of sugar-free Kajukatli: A traditional Indian sweet
Author(s): Akashamrut M Patel, Jafarali K Momin and Kedar S Damle
Abstract: Kajukatli is a very popular traditional Indian sweet that contains high amount of 30-45% added sucrose. The presence of high sucrose in Kajukatli creates health complications for diabetic people and this restricts the consumption of the product by diabetic people. To overcome this problem, the present study was conducted to formulate Kajukatli devoid of added sugar but still having excellent sensory characteristics with permitted high-intensity sweeteners and bulking agents. Two high-intensity sweeteners i.e., saccharine and sucralose, and two bulking agents i.e., polydextrose and isomalt were used as replacers of sucrose. The product was prepared with various levels and combinations of selected ingredients. The prepared Kaju Katri samples were served to the expert judges in a double blindfold manner for sensory evaluation of prepared products. The product containing bulking agent polydextrose was less accepted compared to isomalt added as far as taste of product was concerned. Polydextrose was found unsatisfactory binder material to give the product a good texture compared to isomalt. Overall, the isomalt added product was found better texture and taste compared with the polydextrose added product. Among the high-intensity sweeteners used, sucralose was found more suitable due to its taste profile. Saccharine added Kaju Katri has metallic after taste in product. Sucralose at low addition levels was found more suitable and can replace only around 12% sucrose due to dose-dependent response i.e. more you add sucralose less additional sweetness it confers to the product. Finally, acceptable sugar-free Kaju Katri was prepared using isomalt as bulking agent and sucralose as an intense sweetener.
Pages: 238-241 | 1047 Views 581 Downloads
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How to cite this article:
Akashamrut M Patel, Jafarali K Momin, Kedar S Damle. Development of sugar-free Kajukatli: A traditional Indian sweet. Int J Chem Stud 2021;9(4):238-241.