Vol. 9, Issue 3 (2021)
Evaluation of different genotypes against thrips and mites of garlic (Allium sativum L.)
Author(s): SS Palaskar, MP Badgujar and AS Mahale
Abstract: The experiment was conducted at “Onion and Grape Research Station, Pimpalgaon Baswant, Nashik” under Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth, Rahuri during rabi 2019-20. The objective was to screen the different genotypes of garlic against thrips and mites of garlic. For this trial, twenty seven genotypes with two standard checks were evaluated against garlic thrips (Thrips tabaci L.) and mites (Tetranichus urticae Koch). These genotypes were Agra Local, Bhima Omkar, Dindori Local-White, Dindori Local-Voilet, G-1, Godavari, Gondal, IC-49350, Jalagaon Sel, Jamnagar, Jawahar MP2, Kalyanpur Sel, Kalwan Local, Kochi Sel, Mansoor Local-1, NHRDF Sel, PB-11, PB-16, PB Sel-15-1, Pimpri-2, Solan Local, Shweta, Punjab Local, Rahuri Sel-2, Rajkot Local, RHRG-7 along with two standard checks i.e. Phule Baswant and Phule Nilima. The genotypes, viz., Agra Local (14.76 thrips / plant), Bhima Omkar (18.83 thrips / plant) and Dindori Local-White (19.70 thrips / plant) recorded lower average thrips population, whereas PB-11(48.22 thrips / plant), Shweta (47.27 thrips / plant) and Solan Local (46.79 thrips / plant) observed more thrips as against standard check, Phule Baswant (20.05 thrips / plant) and Phule Nilima (43.34 thrips/ plant). In case of mite screening, the genotypes viz., G-1, IC 49350 and Jamnagar observed lower incidence of mites and it was 0.85, 1.09 and 2.35 average mites per 2.5 cm length of leaf, respectively. Whereas, higher incidence of mites was observed in Delhi Local, Shweta and Pimpri-2, which recorded 23.98, 23.69 and 21.65 average mites per 2.5 cm length of leaf, respectively as against standard check Phule Baswant (10.57 mites / 2.5 cm length of leaf) and Phule Nilima (10.82 mites / 2.5 cm length of leaf). Thus, the genotypes viz., Agra Local, Bhima Omkar and Dindori Local-White can be used as resistance source against garlic thrips as well as the genotypes viz., G-1, IC 49350 and Jamnagar can be used as resistance source against garlic mites. The genotypes viz.,PB-11, Shweta and Solan Local which are susceptible lines against garlic thrips as well as genotypes viz., Delhi Local, Shweta and Pimpri-2 which are susceptible lines against garlic mites can be used in further screening trials of garlic for assure source of incidence of particular pests. The genotype Kalwan Local registered maximum yield of 149.33 quintal per hectare.
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How to cite this article:
SS Palaskar, MP Badgujar, AS Mahale. Evaluation of different genotypes against thrips and mites of garlic (Allium sativum L.). Int J Chem Stud 2021;9(3):189-193.