Vol. 9, Issue 2 (2021)
Effect of fly ash, organic manure and fertilizers on macro nutrient uptake in grain and straw in rice-wheat cropping system in alfisols and vertisols
Author(s): LK Ramteke, SS Sengar and D Prasad
Abstract: Field experiment was conducted at KVK, Farm Katghora, Korba under Alfisols and Instructional Farm under Vertisols at Indira Gandhi Krishi Vishwavidyalaya, Raipur during 2011 and 2012.To assess the effect of different doses of fly ash alone or in combination with manure and fertilizers in rice–wheat cropping system with Sixteen treatments (i.e. T1- Control, T2- 10tFA ha- 1, T3- 20tFA ha- 1 T4- STCR (based fertilizer recommendation), T5- 75% NPK ha- 1, T6- 100% NPK (100:60:40), T7- 75% NPK ha- 1 + 10tFA ha- 1, T8- 75% NPK ha- 1 + 20tFA ha- 1, T9- 100% NPK ha- 1 + 10tFA ha- 1, T10- 100% NPK ha- 1 + 20tFA ha- 1, T11- 75% NPK ha- 1 + 5tFYM ha- 1, T12- 100% NPK ha- 1 + 5tFYM ha- 1, T13- 75% NPK ha- 1 + 5tFYM + 10tFA, T14- 75% NPK ha- 1 + 5tFYM + 20tFA ha- 1, T15- 100% NPK ha- 1 + 5tFYM + 10tFA ha- 1 and T16- 100% NPK ha- 1 + 5tFYM + 20tFA ha- 1) under Split Plot Design with factorial arrangment of crop and soil in main plot and treatment in sub plot.The higher nitrogen uptake in rice grain and straw under alfisol and wheat grain and straw under vertisol. Interaction of both the crop and soil, crop x soil x treatment, T16 recorded highest nitrogen uptake in grain and straw. The higher phosphorous uptake was recorded in rice and wheat grain under alfisol whereas higher phosphorous uptake was recorded in rice and wheat straw under vertisol. In case of grain the interaction effect, rice x vertsol x treatment, wheat x alfisol x treatment and wheat x vertisol x treatment, T16 recorded highset phosphorous uptake. Incase of straw, rice x vertisol x treatment, T16, wheat x vertisol x treatment, T15 recorded higher phosphorous uptake whereas, rice x alfisol x treatment, wheat x alfisol x treatment, T12 and T16 recorded highest phosphorous uptake in straw respectively. The highest potassium uptake was recorded in rice grain and straw under alfisol and wheat grain and straw under vertisol. In case of grain, interaction effect of rice x vertisol x treatment, wheat x vertisol x treaatment, wheat x alfisol x treatment, T16 recorded highest potassium uptake whereas rice x alfisol x treatment, rice x vertisol x treatment, T4 recorded highest potassium uptake. In case of wheat straw, wheat x alfisol x treatment, wheat x vertisol x treatment, T16 recorded highest potassium uptake.
DOI: 10.22271/chemi.2021.v9.i2p.11963
Pages: 1098-1102 | 454 Views 92 Downloads
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How to cite this article:
LK Ramteke, SS Sengar, D Prasad. Effect of fly ash, organic manure and fertilizers on macro nutrient uptake in grain and straw in rice-wheat cropping system in alfisols and vertisols. Int J Chem Stud 2021;9(2):1098-1102. DOI: 10.22271/chemi.2021.v9.i2p.11963