Vol. 9, Issue 2 (2021)
Relationship between biochemical resistance attributing factors and shoot and fruit borer infestation by Leucinodes orbonalis (Guenee) in brinjal genotypes
Author(s): CH Chinnabbai, S Dayakar, A Sujatha, P Anil Kumar, SK Nafeez Umar and V Sekhar
Abstract: Biochemical constituents in shoot and fruit of sixty brinjal genotypes and their role in offering resistance against shoot and fruit borer infestation caused by Leucinodes orbonalis Guenee was studied at college of Horticulture, Venkataramannagudem during kharif 2017-18 in augmented block design. Phenol content in shoot and fruit showed negative and highly significant correlation with shoot and fruit borer infestation (r = - 0.9587, r = -0.9717), highly significant and negative correlation with peroxidase (r = -0.9645, r = -0. 9586), highly significant and negative correlation with PAL (r = -0.9692, r = -0.9719). Highly significant and positive correlation was observed between phenol content of shoot and fruit with peroxidase (r = 9937, r = 0.9628) and PAL (r = 0.9776, r = 0.9758). Peroxidase and PAL also showed highly significant and positive correlation (r = 0.9911, r = 0.9643). Phenol in shoot and fruit had negative direct effect (-0.5815, -0.4070) on per cent shoot and fruit infestation. Its indirect effects via peroxidase (0.5832) in shoot are positive and in fruit are (-0.1728) negative; via PAL in shoot and fruit are (-0.9603, -0.3919) negative. Peroxidase in shoot had positive direct effect (0.5869) on per cent shoot infestation and in fruit had negative direct effect (-0.1794) on per cent fruit infestation. Its indirect effects via phenol (-0.5778, -0.3919) and PAL (-0.9735, -0.3873) are negative. PAL in shoot had negative direct effect (-0.9823, -0.4016) on per cent shoot and fruit infestation. Its indirect effects via phenol (-0.5685, -0.3972) and peroxidase (-0.5816, -0.1730) in shoot and fruit are negative. Phenol, peroxidase and PAL in shoot and fruit showed highly significant negative correlation with shoot and fruit borer infestation.
DOI: 10.22271/chemi.2021.v9.i2m.11929
Pages: 880-884 | 659 Views 275 Downloads
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How to cite this article:
CH Chinnabbai, S Dayakar, A Sujatha, P Anil Kumar, SK Nafeez Umar, V Sekhar. Relationship between biochemical resistance attributing factors and shoot and fruit borer infestation by Leucinodes orbonalis (Guenee) in brinjal genotypes. Int J Chem Stud 2021;9(2):880-884. DOI: 10.22271/chemi.2021.v9.i2m.11929