International Journal of Chemical Studies
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P-ISSN: 2349-8528, E-ISSN: 2321-4902   |   

Vol. 9, Issue 1 (2021)

Effect of INM on quality, nutrient content and uptake of various nutrients by Brassica Juncea L. (Indian mustard)

Author(s): Sauhard Dubey, MZ Siddiqui, Manish Bhatt, Gaurav Shukla, Saurabh Rana and Dharmendra K Singh

Abstract: A field experiment was conducted on student instructional farm of Chandra Shekhar Azad University of Agriculture and Technology, Kanpur (UP) during Rabi season 2017-18 on Brassica Juncea (Indian mustard) with the objective of studying different doses of fertilizers on growth, yield and quality of crop during the crop growth. The research was conducted by taking 10 treatments replicated thrice, various combinations of treatments with 100 % RDF dose of N:P:K:S (RDF) @ 120:60:40:40 kg ha-1 to 50% RDF 60:30:20:20 kg ha-1 along with different combinations of FYM @ 5 t ha-1 or 2.5 t ha-1, vermicompost @ 1.25 t ha-1 or 0.62 t ha-1, Bio-fertilizers (Azotobacter + PSB) @ 7.5 Kg ha-1, ZnSO4 @ 10Kg ha-1 were made to see the effect of various sources of fertilizers individually on growth characters, yield attributes, quality characters viz oil quality, oil content, protein content, protein quality, N P K S Zn content in straw and grain were obtained separately, and their uptake by straw and grain etc. In the following experiment, results reveals that the highest oil content recorded was (40.15 %) with oil yield of 933.48 (kg ha-1), similarly protein content as 17.37 % and protein yield as 403.85 (kg ha-1) all these observations were recorded best in the treatment having 50% RDF + FYM @ 2.5 t ha-1 + Vermicompost @ 0.62 t ha-1 + Bio-fertilizers @ 7.5kg ha-1 + ZnSO4 @10 kg ha-1 followed by treatment T7 having 75% RDF + Vermicompost @ 0.62 t ha-1 + Bio-fertilizers @ 7.5 kg ha-1, treatments T6 and T8 also showed similar results and were significantly at par from treatments having 100 % RDF, control and other treatments T1 to T5. Therefore these treatments were recommended on the basis of this research work for obtaining better results viz., oil quality, oil content, protein content, protein quality, nutrient uptake and for producing quality mustard. The variety Pusa Mustard – 30 having its specialisation in low Erucic acid content (<2%) was found true while extracting oil, hence it is good for edible purpose.

DOI: 10.22271/chemi.2021.v9.i1ay.11794

Pages: 3625-3629  |  665 Views  220 Downloads

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International Journal of Chemical Studies International Journal of Chemical Studies
How to cite this article:
Sauhard Dubey, MZ Siddiqui, Manish Bhatt, Gaurav Shukla, Saurabh Rana, Dharmendra K Singh. Effect of INM on quality, nutrient content and uptake of various nutrients by Brassica Juncea L. (Indian mustard). Int J Chem Stud 2021;9(1):3625-3629. DOI: 10.22271/chemi.2021.v9.i1ay.11794

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International Journal of Chemical Studies