Vol. 9, Issue 1 (2021)
Effect of sowing time, seed rate and harvesting duration on quality of Ashwagandha Withania somnifera
Author(s): T Swati, M Padma, M Rajkumar and A Sivasankar
Abstract: The experiment was carried out at Herbal garden, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad during the 2009-10. The experiment was laid out in Completely Randomized Block Design with factorial concept comprising a total of 18 treatments replicated thrice with two sowing dates (August 15th and August 30th), three seed rates (10 kg/ha, 12 kg/ha and 14 kg/ha) and three harvesting durations (150 DAS, 180 DAS and 210 DAS). The data indicated that fresh root yield (13.91 q/ha) and dry root yield (3.38 q/ha) were maximum in August 15th sown crop when compared to August 30th crop. Among the harvesting durations, H3 (210 DAS) recorded maximum fresh root yield (13.48 q/ha) and dry root yield (3.12 q/ha). Among the three way interactions, maximum fresh root yield (15.63 q/ha) and dry root yield (4.40 q/ha) were recorded with August15th sown crop with a seed rate of 12 kg/ha and harvesting duration of 210 DAS (D1S2H3). There was significant difference in starch content due to dates of sowing. Significantly maximum starch content (11.81%) was recorded in D2 (August 30th) followed by D1 (August 15th) recording 11.64%. Reducing sugars were reported to be maximum (2.89%) in August 30th sown crop when compared to August 15th crop. Among the seed rates, S1 (10 kg/ha) recorded maximum reducing sugars (3.26%). Among the harvesting durations, H3 (210 DAS) recorded maximum reducing sugars (3.25%). Maximum non- reducing sugars (7.70%) was recorded in August 30th sown crop when compared to August 15th crop. Among the harvesting durations, H3 (210 DAS) recorded maximum non reducing sugars (7.70%). Among the three way interactions, maximum non reducing sugars (7.78%) was recorded with August 30th sown crop with a seed rate of 12 kg/ha and harvesting duration of 210 DAS (D2S2H3).
DOI: 10.22271/chemi.2021.v9.i1at.11744
Pages: 3294-3298 | 472 Views 143 Downloads
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How to cite this article:
T Swati, M Padma, M Rajkumar, A Sivasankar. Effect of sowing time, seed rate and harvesting duration on quality of Ashwagandha Withania somnifera. Int J Chem Stud 2021;9(1):3294-3298. DOI: 10.22271/chemi.2021.v9.i1at.11744