Vol. 9, Issue 1 (2021)
A preamble study on ecophysiological impact of bamboo species for sustaining soil health
Author(s): Yashwant Kumar, Salil Tewari, AK Verma and Ashutosh Dubey
Abstract: Bamboo, perennial flowering plant species of family Poaceae, was studied in present study to estimate the effect of different bamboo species on physico-biochemical properties of soil collected from rhizosphere of ten bamboos species viz, Bambusa balcooa, B. bamboos, B. smultiplex, B. nutans, B. tulda, B. vulgaris, Dendrocolomus asper, D. giganteus, Dendrocolomus hamiltoni, Dendrocolomus stricus. In the present study soil macronutrients and enzyme activities were analyzed that play role in soil physical, chemical and biological properties that in turn help in crop production, soil health improvement, biomass production with enhanced microbial activities. In the bamboo rhizosphere the pH and EC correspondingly ranged between6.56 to 8.10 and 18.80 to 45.23 milli S/m where highest pH and EC were observed in Dendrocolomus strictus and Bambusa balcooa respectively. While in the bamboo rhizosphere total organic carbon and total organic matter respectively ranged between 9.133% to 18.567% and 15.708% to 31.935%. The Highest total organic carbon and total organic matter was recorded in Bambusa bambos. The highest available Nitogen was found in the B. tulda(1.833 kgh-1) whereas highest available Phosphorus was observed to be 0.088 kgh-1 (D. asper and D. stricus). The highest available Pottassium was found in biosphere of, B. balcooa (33.167 kgh-1). The highest β glucosidase and alkaline phosphatase enzyme activity and its specific activity was reported in Dendrocolomus gigantus 115.17 (Catechol mg-1soil g-1 h -1), 355 (U mg-1) and 413.5 (mg PNP g-1soil h-1) and 200.10 (U mg-1) respectively. The inputs of organic matter through bamboos species increased crop roots density and better microbial and enzymatic activities. The results indicate that adoption of the agroforestry practices help to improved organic matter status of the soil, which is also reflected in the increased nutrient pool necessary for long-term productivity of the soil.
DOI: 10.22271/chemi.2021.v9.i1af.11574
Pages: 2315-2319 | 579 Views 227 Downloads
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How to cite this article:
Yashwant Kumar, Salil Tewari, AK Verma, Ashutosh Dubey. A preamble study on ecophysiological impact of bamboo species for sustaining soil health. Int J Chem Stud 2021;9(1):2315-2319. DOI: 10.22271/chemi.2021.v9.i1af.11574