Vol. 9, Issue 1 (2021)
Diurnal rhythm of blood biochemical profile of sun exposed Martina Franca jacks in semitropical desert climate
Author(s): Pradeep Kumar Godwal, Meenaxi Sareen, Anil Moolchandani, Hakim Manzer, Vijay Kumar, Amit Kumar Chotiya, NS Rathore and Jitendra Kumar
Abstract: Diurnal rhythm of blood biochemical profile was studied in adult and apparently healthy, male Martina Franca (Poitou) jacks (n=6). The jacks weighing between 270 to 350 kg were fed with standard ration for maintenance as per NRC (2007) from 10:00h to 14:00hr. The donkeys remained exposed to solar radiation. Blood was collected for biochemical parameters at 07:00h, 10:00h, 14:00h and 16:00h on 1st, 4th and 7th day in a seven day experimental period during October 2016 (heat stress period (HS), Thermal heat index (THI)=69.90 at7.00h and 80.14 at 14.00h) and on a single day in peak winter in December 2016 (control ‘C’, THI: 63.93 at 7.00h and 80.14 at 14.00h). Plasma albumin and globulin (g/dl) increased significantly on day 1 of HS from 07.00h to 14.00h & 16.00h. Plasma Lactate (mM/l) increased significantly at 14.00h & 16.00h as compared to 07:00h in both ‘HS’ and ‘C’. The lactate levels were significantly lower at the respective diurnal time points in period ‘C’. Urea (mg/dl) increased significantly (p< 0.05) at 14.00h & 16.00h when compared to its values at 07.00h & 10.00h on in ‘HS’. Maximum urea level was observed at 16.00h on day 1 of ‘HS’. During winter, although urea levels increased significantly at 10.00h, 14.00h & 16.00h from the values observed at 07.00h, the levels remained lower when compared to ‘HS’ at 14:00h and 16:00h. Similar trends were observed for plasma creatinine (mg/dl) which remained significantly higher in ‘HS’ than in ‘C’. The cholesterol decreased at 10.00h & 14.00h and again increased significantly (p<0.05) at 16.00h on all the days. Heat stress in October caused overall higher cholesterol in jacks as compared to winter month. Triglyceride levels increased significantly (p<0.05) at 14.00h when compared to that at 07.00h & 10.00h on day 7 of ‘HS’ in October.
DOI: 10.22271/chemi.2021.v9.i1aa.11505
Pages: 1940-1944 | 438 Views 75 Downloads
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How to cite this article:
Pradeep Kumar Godwal, Meenaxi Sareen, Anil Moolchandani, Hakim Manzer, Vijay Kumar, Amit Kumar Chotiya, NS Rathore, Jitendra Kumar. Diurnal rhythm of blood biochemical profile of sun exposed Martina Franca jacks in semitropical desert climate. Int J Chem Stud 2021;9(1):1940-1944. DOI: 10.22271/chemi.2021.v9.i1aa.11505