Vol. 9, Issue 1 (2021)
Effect of plant spacing and pinching on growth and flower yield of annual chrysanthemum
Author(s): Niket S Nagdeve, Dr. HM Khobragade, Akshay A Thakare, Dr. RP Gajbhiye and Kunda S Mandhare
Abstract: This research was conducted to investigate the "Effect of plant spacing and pinching on growth and flower yield of annual chrysanthemum” was carried out during rabi season of the year 2018-2019 at the farm of Horticulture Section, College of Agriculture, Nagpur The treatments comprised of two factors i.e. factor A and factor B. Factor A consist of 4 levels of spacing (S1 – (60×45 cm), S2 – (45×45 cm), S3 – (45×30 cm), S4 (30×30 cm) and factor B consist of 3 levels of pinching (P1 – No pinching, P2 – Pinching at 30 days after transplanting, P3 – Pinching at 40 days after transplanting with twelve treatment combinations replicated thrice. Minimum plant height was recorded in S4 (30×30 cm) and P3 (pinching at 40 days after transplanting) whereas stem girth, number of branches plant-1 and plant spread were recorded maximum with a spacing S1 (60×45 cm), and P3 (pinching at 40 days after transplanting), P1 (No pinching) and P2 (pinching at 30 days after transplanting) respectively. Significantly maximum plant height was recorded maximum in S1 (60×45 cm) and P1 (No pinching) and stem girth, number of branches plant-1 and plant spread were recorded minimum with a spacing S4 (30×30 cm), and P1 (No pinching). The interaction effect of spacing and pinching on all growth parameters was found non-significant. In respect of yield contributing characters viz., number of flowers plant-1, flower yield plant-1, flower yield plot-1 and flower yield ha-1 were recorded maximum with the S3 (45×30 cm), and P2 (pinching at 30 days after transplanting). Significantly maximum number of flowers plant-1, flower yield plant-1, flower yield plot-1 and flower yield ha-1 were observed in the treatment combination of S3 (45×30 cm), and P2 (pinching at 30 days after transplanting).
DOI: 10.22271/chemi.2021.v9.i1g.11279
Pages: 491-495 | 824 Views 311 Downloads
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How to cite this article:
Niket S Nagdeve, Dr. HM Khobragade, Akshay A Thakare, Dr. RP Gajbhiye, Kunda S Mandhare. Effect of plant spacing and pinching on growth and flower yield of annual chrysanthemum. Int J Chem Stud 2021;9(1):491-495. DOI: 10.22271/chemi.2021.v9.i1g.11279