International Journal of Chemical Studies
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P-ISSN: 2349-8528, E-ISSN: 2321-4902   |   

Vol. 8, Issue 4 (2020)

Effect of different organic growth promoters on growth and yield of Onion

Author(s): Mehere SS, Kadam AS and Lewade AD

Abstract: A field experiment was conducted at college of horticulture, VNMKV, Parbhani dring kharif season of 2017 on a medium black cotton clay textured well drained soil to evaluate different organic growth promoters on growth and yield of Onion (Allium cepa L.). The experiment was laid out in a Randomized Block Design with 13 treatments replicated twice. Treatments consist of application of Vermiwash @ 5% and 10% (T1&T2), Panchagavya @ 3% and 6% (T3&T4), Humic acid @ 0.2% & 0.4% (T5&T6), Cow urine @ 5% and 7.5% (T7 &T8), Amritpani @ 3% and 6% (T9 &T10), combination of RDF + Vermiwash 5% + Panchagavya 3% + Humic acid 0.2% + cow urine 5% + Amritpani 3% (T11), Combination of RDF + Vermiwash @ 10% + Panchagavya 6% + Humic acid 0.4% + Cow urine 7.5% + Amritpani 6% (T12) and RDF i.e. 100:50:50 kg NPK/ha (T13). The outcome from experiment revealed that, all growth parameters like plant height, number of leaves, leaf length and width were recorded highest in treatment T12. As regards to yield, maximum values were obtained from the same treatment.

DOI: 10.22271/chemi.2020.v8.i4ab.9994

Pages: 2426-2428  |  638 Views  165 Downloads

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International Journal of Chemical Studies International Journal of Chemical Studies
How to cite this article:
Mehere SS, Kadam AS, Lewade AD. Effect of different organic growth promoters on growth and yield of Onion. Int J Chem Stud 2020;8(4):2426-2428. DOI: 10.22271/chemi.2020.v8.i4ab.9994

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International Journal of Chemical Studies