International Journal of Chemical Studies
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P-ISSN: 2349-8528, E-ISSN: 2321-4902   |   

Vol. 8, Issue 4 (2020)

Performance of different Mesorhizobium strains on nodulation, grain, straw yield and soil fertility status of chickpea

Author(s): Prerana Bhosale, AA Bhagat and BJ Shete

Abstract: The field experiment was conducted in the Pulses Improvement Project MPKV, Rahuri, Dist. Ahmednagar during 2012-13 to 2014-15 in randomized block design with three replications The results indicated that the highest grain yield (2684 kgha-1) and straw yield (2912 kgha-1) was recorded in T9, Mesorhizobium + PSB3 (Rahuri- Reference strain), which was at par with T5, Mesorhizobium + ORE 35 (Hisar) grain yield (2568 kgha-1), straw yield (2766 kgha-1).
The maximum number of nodules (54.10 /plant) were observed in T9, Mesorhizobium + PSB3 (Rahuri- Reference strain), which was followed by T5, Mesorhizobium + ORE35 (Hisar) number of nodule (49.82), T7, Mesorhizobium + PSB12 (Ludhiana) (49.30), T8, Mesorhizobium + PSB (Pseudomonas striata) (Gulberga) (47.01).The higher dry weight of nodules was recorded in T9, Mesorhizobium + PSB3 (Rahuri- Reference strain) (1044.8 gm/plant) which was at par with T5, Mesorhizobium + ORE35 (Hisar), (982.6 mg/plant) T7, (982.4 mg/plant), T8, (975.7 mg/plant).The maximum organic carbon content (0.60%), Available nitrogen was (210.6 kgha-1), available phosphorous (16.67 kgha-1), and phosphorous uptake (39.42 kgha-1) was observed in T9, Mesorhizobium + PSB3 (Rahuri- Reference strain).

DOI: 10.22271/chemi.2020.v8.i4z.9974

Pages: 2291-2294  |  505 Views  65 Downloads

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International Journal of Chemical Studies International Journal of Chemical Studies
How to cite this article:
Prerana Bhosale, AA Bhagat, BJ Shete. Performance of different Mesorhizobium strains on nodulation, grain, straw yield and soil fertility status of chickpea. Int J Chem Stud 2020;8(4):2291-2294. DOI: 10.22271/chemi.2020.v8.i4z.9974

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International Journal of Chemical Studies