Vol. 8, Issue 4 (2020)
Characterization, classification and physiography of Zari-NAAM river watershed of Parbhani district by using GIS, GPS and remote sensing
Author(s): Pankaj Wagh, Vilas Patil, Bhushan Pagar, Amol Jagdale and Anil Dhamak
Abstract: The present investigation “Characterization, Classification, Evaluation and Physiography of Soils of Zari-Naam River Watershed of Parbhani District By Using GIS, GPS and Remote Sensing” was carried out during the year 2015-16.The total Length of watershed was 4.2 km and it is divided into seven compartments and three Parts viz. Part I, Part II and Parts III. These three parts were surveyed and fifty representative soil samples were drawn by grid survey using topographic map, remote sensing imagery and GPS. These 50 soil samples were drawn to study the soil properties. Further three representative soil profiles were excavated on the basis of soil depth and behavior of cracks.The thematic maps of all important soil parameters were generated.
The results emerged out from the present investigation revealed that soils of Naam River Watershed (part-1) are Typic Haplusterts and Vertic Haplusterts. These soils are brown to black in colour and clayey in texture. These are slightly to moderately alkaline in nature, safe in total soluble salt concentration, calcareous to highly calcareous and low in organic carbon. Typic Haplusterts have higher alkalinity than Vertic Haplusterts. Two pedons of Naam River Watershed representing Typic Haplusterts and Vertic Haplusterts.This pedon are highly to moderately suitable for growing the crops with little modification in pH. These soils support soybean, mug, jowar, Tur and cotton.
DOI: 10.22271/chemi.2020.v8.i4p.9845
Pages: 1639-1648 | 716 Views 168 Downloads
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How to cite this article:
Pankaj Wagh, Vilas Patil, Bhushan Pagar, Amol Jagdale, Anil Dhamak. Characterization, classification and physiography of Zari-NAAM river watershed of Parbhani district by using GIS, GPS and remote sensing. Int J Chem Stud 2020;8(4):1639-1648. DOI: 10.22271/chemi.2020.v8.i4p.9845