International Journal of Chemical Studies
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P-ISSN: 2349-8528, E-ISSN: 2321-4902   |   

Vol. 8, Issue 4 (2020)

Documentation variation for Alternaria blight resistance in varieties of Rapeseed mustard

Author(s): Sumant Pratap Singh, NA Khan, Reeshu Singh, HK Singh, S Prasad and DK Dwivedi

Abstract: The study was conducted with the objective to assess the resistance source against blight in rapeseed-mustard at Student's Instruction Farm, Acharya Narender Deva University of Agriculture and Technology Kumarganj Ayodhya (U.P.) during Rabi 2018-19. Screening of Indian mustard 47 genotypes, these screening was not found highly resistant, resistant and moderately resistance against Alternaria blight of rapeseed mustard six genotypes viz., Kiran, TMR-14-6, TMR-14-1, TMR-14-5, TMR-14-3, TMR-14-4 with disease severity of 5-10 per cent respectively were rated as moderately susceptible were found nine genotypes with disease severity 11-25 percent. 31genotypes were marked as susceptible in which disease severity was found to be 26 to 50%. The highly susceptible only one genotypes was found to be >50 present with disease severity respectively. It could be noticed that the vulnerability level was relatively quite high as compared to resistance status.

DOI: 10.22271/chemi.2020.v8.i4m.9793

Pages: 1397-1400  |  736 Views  172 Downloads

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International Journal of Chemical Studies International Journal of Chemical Studies
How to cite this article:
Sumant Pratap Singh, NA Khan, Reeshu Singh, HK Singh, S Prasad, DK Dwivedi. Documentation variation for Alternaria blight resistance in varieties of Rapeseed mustard. Int J Chem Stud 2020;8(4):1397-1400. DOI: 10.22271/chemi.2020.v8.i4m.9793

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International Journal of Chemical Studies