Vol. 8, Issue 4 (2020)
Effect of sulphur and zinc nutrition on nutrient uptake and fertility balance of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.)
Author(s): Deepti Yadav and HS Kushwaha
Abstract: A field experiment on chickpea was conducted at Agriculture Farm of Mahatma Gandhi Chitrakoot Gramodaya Vishwavidyalaya, Chitrakoot, Satna (M.P.) during rabi season 2007-08 and 2008-09. Results revealed that basal application of sulphur 40 kg/ha and zinc 5 kg/ha recorded significantly superior grain and straw yield during both the years. Grain yield was also significantly improved with foliar spray of Zn 0.5 % and S 2%. Sulpur and zinc uptake by grain and straw of chickpea was recorded significantly superior under 40 kg S/ha however, it observed conspicuously higher total S and Zn uptake by chickpea (7.8 and 9.22 kg S/ha; 0.101 and 0.114 kg Zn) during two years. Basal application of zinc 5 kg/ha significantly improved S and Zn uptake by grain and straw and recorded markedly higher total S (7.3 and 8.11 kg/ha) and Zn uptake (0.108 and 0.111 kg/ha) by chickpea during both the years. Foliar spray of sulphur 2% significantly increased S uptake by grain and straw and observed numerically higher total uptake of chickpea while, zinc spray 0.5% recorded significantly greater Zn uptake by grain and straw and markedly higher total Zn uptake of chickpea. Positive fertility balance of sulphur in soil was noted in treatments with 40 kg S/ha and 20 kg S/ha however, maximum positive fertility balance was recorded in S20 x Zn0 x FS2 followed by in S40 x Zn5 x FS2. Maximum negative balance of S was noted in treatment with no sulphur application. Positive fertility balance in term of zinc availability in soil was recorded in Zn 5 kg/ha however, it was observed maximum in S0 x Zn5 x FS3 (2.34 kg/ha) followed by in S0 x Zn5 x FS2 (1.71 kg/ha). The negative fertility balance of zinc in soil was noted in treatment with no basal application of zinc in soil.
DOI: 10.22271/chemi.2020.v8.i4j.9765
Pages: 1188-1193 | 1028 Views 212 Downloads
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How to cite this article:
Deepti Yadav, HS Kushwaha. Effect of sulphur and zinc nutrition on nutrient uptake and fertility balance of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.). Int J Chem Stud 2020;8(4):1188-1193. DOI: 10.22271/chemi.2020.v8.i4j.9765