Vol. 8, Issue 4 (2020)
Nutrient management through organic source in grain ameranthus (Amaranthus hypochondriacus L.) under middle Gujarat condition
Author(s): AS Patel, RP Kacha, PJ Nayee and RM Patel
Abstract: The field experiment experiment was conducted at Agricultural Research Station for Irrigated crops, Anand Agricultural University, Thasra, Dist.: Kheda, Gujarat to study Nutrient management through organic source in grain ameranthus (Amaranthus hypochondriacus L.) under middle Gujarat condition. The field trial was laid out in Random Block Design with ten treatments viz., RDF (25-12.5-0 NPK kg/ha) (T1), FYM 4.0 t/ ha (T2), Vermicompost 1.0 t /ha (T3), Castor cake 0.5 t/ha (T4), Bio NP (Azatobactor & PSB Combiproduct 1 L/ha) (T5), FYM 2.0 t/ ha + Bio NP (Azatobactor & PSB Combiproduct 1 L/ha) (T6), Vermicompost @ 0.5 t /ha + Bio NP (Azatobactor & PSB Combiproduct 1 L/ha) (T7), Castor cake 0.25 t/ha + Bio NP (Azatobactor & PSB Combiproduct 1 L/ha) (T8), FYM @ 2.0 t/ ha + Vermicompost 0.5 t /ha (T9) and FYM 2.0 t/ ha + Castor cake 0.25 t/ha (T10). Treatment T2 (FYM 4.0 t/ha) recorded significantly higher grain yield (1890 kg/ha) but was at par with treatment T3 (Vermicompost 1.0 t /ha) than rest of the treatments. The economics of various treatments showed that treatment T2 (FYM 4.0 t/ha) gave the highest net return of Rs 47701 per hectare with CBR 2.71.
DOI: 10.22271/chemi.2020.v8.i4i.9752
Pages: 1115-1116 | 668 Views 147 Downloads
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How to cite this article:
AS Patel, RP Kacha, PJ Nayee, RM Patel. Nutrient management through organic source in grain ameranthus (Amaranthus hypochondriacus L.) under middle Gujarat condition. Int J Chem Stud 2020;8(4):1115-1116. DOI: 10.22271/chemi.2020.v8.i4i.9752