Vol. 8, Issue 4 (2020)
Effect of in situ recycling of sugarcane crop residue and its industrial wastes on yield and quality of sugarcane and soil sustainability in Inceptisol
Author(s): SK Ghodke, UA Gavit, KB Patil and BS Raskar
Abstract: A field experiment was conducted at Central Sugarcane Research Station, Padegaon Farm Tal Phaltan Dist Satara (M.S.) during 2015-16 to 2018-19 as a one plant cane and its three successive ratoon with object of to assess the effect of recycling of sugarcane crop residues and it’s industrial wastes on yield, quality and nutrient uptake of sugarcane, study the soil properties as influenced by decomposition of sugarcane crop residues and it’s industrial wastes, to assess the changes in soil organic carbon as influenced by various treatments of in situ decomposition of sugarcane crop residues and industrial wastes and to assess the possibility of saving of chemical fertilizers.The experimental results recorded and mentioned during harvest of second ratoon. It consists of main plot treatment as sugarcane crop residue and industrial wastes management with sub plot treatment comprising fertilizer levels. In situ recycling of sugarcane crop residues + pressmud compost + Post biomethanated spent wash + bagasse ash recorded significantly higher cane yield, CCS yield and number of millable canes per hectare also improved physico chemical properties of soil. However, effect of fertilizer levels results showed that the fertilizer level receiving 100 % recommended dose of fertilizers recorded significantly higher cane yield, CCS yield and number of millable canes and it was at par with 75 % recommended dose of fertilizers. While in terms of soil chemical parameters showed significant results for organic carbon, available nitrogen, available phosphorus and available potassium as compared to soil initial status. The higher gross and net return were observed in the In situ recycling of sugarcane crop residues + pressmud compost + Post biomethanated spent wash + bagasse ash (Rs.2,72,857 and Rs.2,02,815) with higher benefit cost ratio (2.90). The 100 % recommended dose of fertilizer recorded significantly higher gross and net return (Rs.2,78,614 and Rs.2,00,093) with higher benefit cost ratio (2.55). Thus, result shows that recycling of sugarcane crop residue and industrial wastes along with 100% or 75 % recommended dose of fertilizers found to be better for enhance farmers income as well as improves soil health.
DOI: 10.22271/chemi.2020.v8.i4am.10139
Pages: 3177-3182 | 642 Views 152 Downloads
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How to cite this article:
SK Ghodke, UA Gavit, KB Patil, BS Raskar. Effect of in situ recycling of sugarcane crop residue and its industrial wastes on yield and quality of sugarcane and soil sustainability in Inceptisol. Int J Chem Stud 2020;8(4):3177-3182. DOI: 10.22271/chemi.2020.v8.i4am.10139