International Journal of Chemical Studies
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P-ISSN: 2349-8528, E-ISSN: 2321-4902   |   

Vol. 8, Issue 4 (2020)

Influence of sulphur application on biochemical constituents in Kabuli chickpea (Cicer kabulium) varieties

Author(s): Saurabh Singh Yadav, Ramesh P Singh, RP Singh, Brijesh Kumar, RN Kewat and Raj Bahadur

Abstract: The present investigation on “Influence of sulphur application on biochemical constituents in Kabuli chickpea (Cicer kabulium) varieties.” was conducted during Rabi season in 2016-17 at the Agronomy research farm and laboratory of Agriculture Biochemistry Narendra Deva University of Agriculture & Technology, Kumarganj Faizabad (UP). was adopted with three replications. Following chickpea varieties were grown with proper agronomic practices and the seeds of ten varieties of chickpea namely NDGK 11­-13 (V1) NDGK 99-9 (V2) BG 1003 (V3) JGK1 (V4) HK 94-134 (V5) Levels of sulphur 03(S1, S2, S3), S1=0kg/ha, S2=20kg/ha, S3=30kg/ha were undertaken to chickpea varieties with successive were executed in Completely Randomized Design (CRD) was adopted with three replications. Following chickpea varieties were grown with proper agronomic practices and the seeds of ten varieties were collected after harvesting and use for analysis of biochemical Parameters. Viz Carbohydrate content Total mineral content Total sugar, Reducing sugar content .The non-reducing sugar. Protein profiling. The data obtained in the experiment showed the highest total carbohydrate content was found 62.68 percent in variety JGK 1 by the 30 kg/ha sulphur application. total mineral content was found 3.08 (g/100g) in NDGK 99-9 variety by the 0 kg/ha sulphur application. was total sugars (5.72%), reducing sugar (1.80%) non-reducing sugar (3.92%) were observed in variety JGK 1 by the application of 30 kg s/ha and minimum total sugars (4.20%), reducing sugar (1.47%) non-reducing sugar (2.73%) were observed in variety NDGK 11-13 by the application of 0 kg s/ha. The statistical analysis showed that all the chickpea varieties were found significant regarding total sugars, reducing sugar and non-reducing sugar content in the profiling using SDS-PAGE technology is particularly considered as a reliable tool for economic characterization of germplasm.

DOI: 10.22271/chemi.2020.v8.i4ah.10077

Pages: 2846-2849  |  505 Views  118 Downloads

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International Journal of Chemical Studies International Journal of Chemical Studies
How to cite this article:
Saurabh Singh Yadav, Ramesh P Singh, RP Singh, Brijesh Kumar, RN Kewat, Raj Bahadur. Influence of sulphur application on biochemical constituents in Kabuli chickpea (Cicer kabulium) varieties. Int J Chem Stud 2020;8(4):2846-2849. DOI: 10.22271/chemi.2020.v8.i4ah.10077

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International Journal of Chemical Studies