Vol. 8, Issue 3 (2020)
Studies on pre and post emergence herbicidal weed management in hybrid maize COH (M)6 (Zea mays)
Author(s): Dr. R Jeyasrinivas, Dr. A Balakrishnan, Dr. S Juliet Hepziba and Dr. P Murali Arthanari
Abstract: In general, Maize is one of the most important cereal crops in the world’s agricultural economy both as food for human being and feed for animals. Among the cereals, maize is the important cereal crop next to rice and wheat. Weeds are generally vigorous growers and their nutrient requirements are often greater than that of crop plants. Major area of maize in India is during Kharif season in which weed is one of the important yield limiting factor and significantly reduces the yield. Hence this condition the research sub project is proposed to evaluate suitable recommendations and combination of pre and early post emergence application herbicide management for hybrid maize CO (MH) 6. A field experiment was conducted during 2016 (Aug –Sep), 2017 (Aug –Sep),& 2018 (Jan- Feb) at Agricultural Research Station, Vaigai Dam The treatment consisted that alachlor 1.25kg ha-1 with addition of one hand weeding on 30 DAS, alachlor 1.0 kg ha-1coupled with tembotrione 120g ha-1 on 30 DAS, atrazine 0.5 kg ha-1with addition of one hand weeding on 30 DAS, atrazine 0.5 kg ha-1coupled with early post emergence herbicide of Tembotrione 120 g ha-1, Tembotrione 120g ha-1alone, hand weeding twice on 20 and 40 DAS and control (Unweeded control). From the experiments it can be concluded that the pre-emergence application of Atrazine 0.5 kg ha-1 with addition with addition of early post emergence herbicide of Tembotrione 120g ha-1has recorded higher grain and stover yield.
DOI: 10.22271/chemi.2020.v8.i3ao.9637
Pages: 2798-2801 | 524 Views 97 Downloads
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How to cite this article:
Dr. R Jeyasrinivas, Dr. A Balakrishnan, Dr. S Juliet Hepziba, Dr. P Murali Arthanari. Studies on pre and post emergence herbicidal weed management in hybrid maize COH (M)6 (Zea mays). Int J Chem Stud 2020;8(3):2798-2801. DOI: 10.22271/chemi.2020.v8.i3ao.9637