Vol. 8, Issue 3 (2020)
Economic returns and elements influencing sugarcane cultivation in Haryana
Author(s): Nisha, DP Malik, KK Kundu and Neeraj
Abstract: The present investgation was carried out to work out costs and returns and to identify the various elements influencing sugarcane acreage in Haryana. One block having maximum area under sugarcane namely Radaur and Rohtak from Yamunanagar and Rohtak were selected respectively. 20 farmers each from three villages of each selected block were interviewed to extract desired information. In Yamunanagar, per hectare cost of cultivation, yield, gross returns and net returns attained from the planted & ratoon sugarcane were Rs. 244517, 986 quintals, Rs. 337120 and Rs. 92604 & Rs. 187217, 950 quintals, Rs. 322730 and Rs. 135513 respectively. In Rohtak, the corresponding figures for planted & ratoon sugarcane were Rs. 210832, 798 quintals, Rs. 274554 and Rs. 63727 & Rs. 146995, 702 quintals, Rs. 241410 and Rs. 94415, respectively. Requirement of number of irrigations, labour scarcity, unavailability of machines for harvesting, payment in installments were perceived as the major constraints.
DOI: 10.22271/chemi.2020.v8.i3an.9633
Pages: 2776-2780 | 569 Views 213 Downloads
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How to cite this article:
Nisha, DP Malik, KK Kundu, Neeraj. Economic returns and elements influencing sugarcane cultivation in Haryana. Int J Chem Stud 2020;8(3):2776-2780. DOI: 10.22271/chemi.2020.v8.i3an.9633