Vol. 8, Issue 3 (2020)
Variation of total acidity as influenced by land uses and soil depths in lateritic belt of West Bengal
Author(s): Jhutan Debnath and Manik Chandra Kundu
Abstract: Soil acidity induces iron, aluminium and manganese toxicities along with restricting phosphorus availability, reducing microbial population in soil and thereby reduces crop productivity. Among the different nature of soil acidity, total acidity is very important in determining nutrient supplying capacity of the soil. To study depth-wise and land use-wise variation of total acidity (TA) and its relationship with soil properties, fifty-four representative soil samples were collected from three depths (viz., 0-20 cm, 20-40 cm and 40-60 cm) from 6 various land uses viz., forest land, orchard land, pasture land, cultivated rice land, cultivated rice-potato land and fallow land of Birbhum district of lateritic zone of West Bengal. The soil samples were analyzed for TA and soil properties like pH, EC, organic C, bulk density, particle density, available N, P2O5 and K2O using standard methodology. It was observed that there was significant depth-wise and land use-wise variation of TA. In all the land uses, TA was decreased with depth. In surface 0-20 cm soil depth, TA was highest and lowest in cultivated rice-potato and pasture land respectively. While in 40-60 cm soil depth the highest and lowest TA was documented in cultivated rice-potato and fallow land respectively. The mean TA irrespective of soil depths was highest and lowest in cultivated rice-potato and pasture land respectively. The mean TA irrespective of land uses was highest and lowest in surface 0-20 cm and 40-60 cm soil depth respectively. The interaction effect of land uses and soil depth showed that TA was highest in surface 0-20 cm soil depth of cultivated rice-potato land, and lowest in 40-60 cm soil depth of fallow land. The TA was significantly positively and negatively correlated with OC and BD of soil.
DOI: 10.22271/chemi.2020.v8.i3ai.9576
Pages: 2449-2452 | 546 Views 163 Downloads
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How to cite this article:
Jhutan Debnath, Manik Chandra Kundu. Variation of total acidity as influenced by land uses and soil depths in lateritic belt of West Bengal. Int J Chem Stud 2020;8(3):2449-2452. DOI: 10.22271/chemi.2020.v8.i3ai.9576