International Journal of Chemical Studies
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P-ISSN: 2349-8528, E-ISSN: 2321-4902   |   

Vol. 8, Issue 3 (2020)

Effect of graded doses of fertilizers on flowering and yield attributes in sapota cv. Kalipatti

Author(s): Siddanth Jain K, KV Malshe, PS Sawant and RG Khandekar

Abstract: The research trial was conducted during the year 2018-19 at Sapota block of Department of Horticulture, College of Agriculture, Dapoli, Maharashtra to study effect of graded doses of fertilizers on flowering and yield attributes in sapota cv. Kalipatti. The fertilizer treatments were T1 (1.5 Kg Each NPK + 100Kg FYM Tree-1 Year-1 in June), T2 (3 Kg each NPK +200Kg FYM Tree-1 Year-1 in June – Recommended dose), T3 (4.5 Kg each NPK+ 300 Kg FYM Tree-1 Year-1 in two splits i.e., ½ in June and ½ in September) and T4 (6 Kg each NPK + 400 Kg FYM Tree-1 Year-1 in three splits i.e., ⅓ in June, ⅓ in September and ⅓ in January)The significantly maximum number of flowers per shoot (12.52), number of fruit set (3.52), fruit set % (29.69%), number of retained fruits (1.76), fruit retention % (47.28%) and minimum period for fruit development (214.96 days) were observed with application of treatment T4 i.e. 6 Kg each NPK + 400 Kg FYM Tree⁻¹ Year⁻¹ in three splits i.e., ⅓ in June, ⅓ in September and ⅓ in January. The application of treatment T4 i.e. 6 Kg each NPK + 400 Kg FYM Tree⁻¹ Year⁻¹ in three splits i.e., ⅓ in June, ⅓ in September and ⅓ in January resulted in significantly maximum number of fruits per tree (429.46), fruit yield per tree (63.85 Kg) and yield per hectare (4.09 ton). While, the application of treatment T1 i.e. 1.5 Kg Each NPK + 100Kg FYM Tree⁻¹ Year⁻¹ in June recorded significantly minimum number of fruits per tree (268.30), fruit yield per tree (29.63 Kg) and yield per hectare (1.89 ton).

DOI: 10.22271/chemi.2020.v8.i3y.9470

Pages: 1814-1816  |  620 Views  107 Downloads

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International Journal of Chemical Studies International Journal of Chemical Studies
How to cite this article:
Siddanth Jain K, KV Malshe, PS Sawant, RG Khandekar. Effect of graded doses of fertilizers on flowering and yield attributes in sapota cv. Kalipatti. Int J Chem Stud 2020;8(3):1814-1816. DOI: 10.22271/chemi.2020.v8.i3y.9470

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International Journal of Chemical Studies