Vol. 8, Issue 3 (2020)
Productivity and profitability of maize as influenced by genotypes, spacing and nutrient levels under irrigated situation
Author(s): Basavanneppa MA and Prakash H Kuchanur
Abstract: A field experiment was conducted on “Productivity and profitability of maize as influenced by genotypes, pacing and nutrient levels under irrigated situation” during the Kharif 2019 at Agriculture Research Station, Siruguppa, Karnataka, India. It is situated on the latitude of 15o38’ N, longitude 76o54’ E, 380 m elevation from MSL belongs to Northern Dry Zone (Zone 3) of Karnataka. The soil of the experimental site was medium deep black cotton soil with organic carbon content of 0.43 per cent, low in available N (226 kg ha-1), medium in available phosphorus (18 kg ha-1) and high in potassium (380 kg ha-1) content. Trail consisting 12 treatment combinations of 3 genotypes viz.V1: GPMH 1101, V2: GH 0727 and V3: RCRMH 4 in main plots, two spacing S1: 60cm x 20cm and S2:45cm X 20cm in sub plots and two nutrient levels F1:150:75:37.5 kg NPK/ha and F2: 225:112.5:56.5 kg NPK/ha in sub-sub plots laid out in split-split plot design and replicated three times. The experimental results revealed that, among the genotypes, RCRMH 4 recorded higher maize grain (8939 kg ha-1), stover yield (14167 kg ha-1) compared to other genotypes. Spacing did not influenced on grain and stover yield. Maize fertilized with 225:112.56.5 kg NPK/ha registered significantly superior grain (8085 kg/ha) and stover yield (13013 kg/ha) than lower dose. Similarly, maximum gross return (Rs. 140249/ha), net return (Rs.110651/ha) with B: C (4.75) was recorded in RCRMH 4 compared to other genotypes. Application of 225:112.5:56.5 kg NPK/ha gave higher gross, net returns and B: C of Rs. 126989 /ha, Rs. 96034/ha and 4.11, respectively than lower fertilizer dose. Similar trend in cob weight, 100 seed weight, cob length, cob girth, number of grain rows per cob and grain rows per cob were observed in RCRMH 4 and higher dose of fertilizer compared to rest of the genotypes and fertilizer level. But, spacing did not significantly influence on monetary returns.
DOI: 10.22271/chemi.2020.v8.i3v.9428
Pages: 1626-1629 | 619 Views 107 Downloads
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How to cite this article:
Basavanneppa MA, Prakash H Kuchanur. Productivity and profitability of maize as influenced by genotypes, spacing and nutrient levels under irrigated situation. Int J Chem Stud 2020;8(3):1626-1629. DOI: 10.22271/chemi.2020.v8.i3v.9428