Vol. 8, Issue 3 (2020)
Evaluation and planning of existing drainage project for reclamation of waterlogged area: a case study
Author(s): PK Nandy, BP Behera and B Panigrahi
Abstract: Due to the flat topography and poor drainage condition, major parts of the Mahanadi delta command suffer from waterlogging problems. The sustainability of farm operations are highly affected by spatial and temporal rainfall variability. Thus, estimation of drainage design layout and identification of vulnerable area for waterlogging is the most vital operation for achieving maximum yield of paddy in cultivated land. This research investigation aimed to achieve an optimum level of soil moisture in the study area so that the yield of crops could be enhanced. Probability analysis of 25 years daily rainfall data was done to evaluate the appropriate drainage coefficient and runoff. Drainage coefficient for the study area was estimated to be 35.50 mm/day by SCS-Curve Number (CN) method, which was adopted for the design of surface drainage system with the 7 consecutive day storm and 10-year return period. The design discharge and peak discharge were evaluated to be 0.43 m3/s by SCS-CN method and 4.92 m3/s by the rational formula respectively, which were used for the design of the channel and the outlet structure, respectively. Standard procedures were adopted for the design of the channel as well as dimensions of the broad-crested drop spillway as outlet structure, respectively. The benefit-cost ratio of the new designed drainage system was found to be 2.48, which proved the new drainage system to be more efficient than the existing design.
DOI: 10.22271/chemi.2020.v8.i3q.9375
Pages: 1266-1273 | 645 Views 130 Downloads
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How to cite this article:
PK Nandy, BP Behera, B Panigrahi. Evaluation and planning of existing drainage project for reclamation of waterlogged area: a case study. Int J Chem Stud 2020;8(3):1266-1273. DOI: 10.22271/chemi.2020.v8.i3q.9375