Vol. 8, Issue 3 (2020)
Assess the effectiveness of training module for sustainable Cashewnut cultivation in Tiruchirappalli region of Tamil Nadu
Author(s): A. Rajkala, R. Jansirani and R. Arunachalam
Abstract: Cashewnut is a native of Eastern Brazil introduced to India just as other commercial crops like Rubber, Coffee, and Tea. In Tamil Nadu cashew is the one of the major plantation crop, which is being grown under 91058 ha. Cashew production is 57988 MT and productivity is 0.64 MT per hectare. In Tamil Nadu introduced various development programmes in cashew over the period. But the production and productivity are low only. It may be due to lack of knowledge and adoption behavior among the farmers to increases the above domains, the present study on developing Training Module for Sustainable Cashewnut cultivation. The study was conducted at Ariyalur District of Tamil Nadu with sample size of 180. Multiple randomized group design was used in this experimental study. Three training modules were tested/assessed among the selected respondents by using various dimensions of training methods. Well – structured and pre –tested questionnaire was used for evaluating knowledge gain and symbolic adoption behavior of the farmers. It was found that lecture supported with Video + Demonstration + Interaction with successful farmer’s experiences sharing during field visit were effective in terms of knowledge gain and symbolic adoption in Cashewnut. The developed training module was proposed to the farming community for achieving sustainable Cashewnut cultivation in the region of Tiruchirappalli.
DOI: 10.22271/chemi.2020.v8.i3f.9258
Pages: 501-504 | 642 Views 150 Downloads
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How to cite this article:
A. Rajkala, R. Jansirani, R. Arunachalam. Assess the effectiveness of training module for sustainable Cashewnut cultivation in Tiruchirappalli region of Tamil Nadu. Int J Chem Stud 2020;8(3):501-504. DOI: 10.22271/chemi.2020.v8.i3f.9258