Vol. 8, Issue 2 (2020)
Marketing of gerbera flowers in Nagpur district of Maharashtra
Author(s): PC Rathod, KJ Patil and Amruta S Jangale
Abstract: The study was carried out on “Marketing of Gerbera Flowers in Nagpur District Maharashtra” in Kalmeshwar, Saoner and Nagpur (Rural) tahsils of Nagpur district during year 2014-15 based on primary data and the sampling design adopted for multistage sampling. The information about marketing of gerbera regarding total marketing cost, market margin, and price spread was computed on the basis of collection of data by selecting appropriate number of intermediaries from Nagpur market.
The total capital investment in gerbera cultivation under polyhouse was worked out to Rs. 1271654.15.
The cost of cultivation at Cost ‘A’, Cost ‘B’ and Cost ‘C’ were Rs. 444089.19, Rs. 625547.66 and Rs. 638049.66, respectively. The yield obtained by farmer for 1008 m2 was 338822th number of flowers with the gross returns was Rs. 950395.71. The per flower cost of production was Rs. 1.88. The net returns obtained at various costs were Rs. 506306.52 at Cost ‘A’, Rs. 324848.05 at Cost ‘B’ and Rs. 312346.05 at Cost ‘C’. The break-even point at monetary level without subsidy obtained at Rs. 1271654.00 and with subsidy was at Rs. 635827.00. The net price received by producer was Rs. 23.00 per bundle. The selling price of retailer was Rs.101.36 per bundle. The total marketing cost and market margin were Rs. 6.01 and Rs. 72.35 per bundle, respectively. Following important channel of distribution have been observed while marketing the gerbera flower under study area was ProduceràCommission agentàRetaileràConsumer. The market efficiency in channel operated in selected market for study was calculated to 15.86. In marketing problems displeasure expressed by the growers because of very low price realized in winter season (90.00 per cent) was major problem and it was followed by heavy commission charges (90.00 per cent).
DOI: 10.22271/chemi.2020.v8.i2v.8967
Pages: 1437-1441 | 737 Views 250 Downloads
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How to cite this article:
PC Rathod, KJ Patil, Amruta S Jangale. Marketing of gerbera flowers in Nagpur district of Maharashtra. Int J Chem Stud 2020;8(2):1437-1441. DOI: 10.22271/chemi.2020.v8.i2v.8967