Vol. 8, Issue 2 (2020)
Evaluation of spent coffee waste as a ruminant feed by in vitro gas production technique
Author(s): Venkateswarlu S, Radhakrishnan L, Karunakaran R, Parthiban M, Selvan ST and Vidya Sagar L
Abstract: Aim of the present study was to evaluate the feeding value of spent coffee waste in ruminants. Nutrient composition of spent coffee waste (SCW) revealed that it contains Crude protein, Ether extract, Crude fibre and Nitrogen free extract at 12.02%, 9.23%, 56.20% and 21.73% respectively. SCW had higher neutral detergent fibre, acid detergent fibre and Lignin content of 79.67, 68.54 and 34.08% respectively when compared with conventional feeds and also contained high amount of Acid detergent insoluble protein (67.54%). Total phenol content in SCW was 0.35%. In vitro gas production studies revealed that SCW has significantly (P<0.01) lower gas production potential (2.13 ml), in vitro true dry matter digestibility (17.48%) and ammonia nitrogen (1.75 mg/100ml) content when compared with conventional feeds like maize. It can be concluded that spent coffee waste as such has less potential as a concentrate feed source in ruminants.
DOI: 10.22271/chemi.2020.v8.i2m.8875
Pages: 873-876 | 878 Views 188 Downloads
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How to cite this article:
Venkateswarlu S, Radhakrishnan L, Karunakaran R, Parthiban M, Selvan ST, Vidya Sagar L. Evaluation of spent coffee waste as a ruminant feed by in vitro gas production technique. Int J Chem Stud 2020;8(2):873-876. DOI: 10.22271/chemi.2020.v8.i2m.8875