Vol. 8, Issue 2 (2020)
In vitro compatibility of B. japonicum with fungicides
Author(s): Dinkwar GT, KD Thakur, SB Bramhankar, TS Pillai, SS Isokar, T Ravali and VM Kharat
Abstract: Laboratory experiment was conducted to study the test of compatibility with systemic, non-systemic / contact, combi-fungicides at 50%, 75%, 100% and 125% of the Reommended doses were evaluated in vitro against B. japonicum i.e. Bj-9 (effective isolate out of 25 isolates) of soybean, by inhibition zone technique. The fungicides carbendazim 50% WP and mancozeb 75% WP at all four dosages were found compatible with B. japonicum, as they didn’t showed any zone of inhibition, at 72 hrs of incubation. Whereas, rest of the three fungicides viz., captan 75% WP, carboxin 75% WP, vitavax power 75% WP tested at four various concentrations were found inhibited by the test bacterium and produced average inhibition zone of around 00.00-19.66 mm, 8.56mm and 10.52mm respectively, at 72 hrs of incubation.
DOI: 10.22271/chemi.2020.v8.i2k.8846
Pages: 692-694 | 619 Views 105 Downloads
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How to cite this article:
Dinkwar GT, KD Thakur, SB Bramhankar, TS Pillai, SS Isokar, T Ravali, VM Kharat. In vitro compatibility of B. japonicum with fungicides. Int J Chem Stud 2020;8(2):692-694. DOI: 10.22271/chemi.2020.v8.i2k.8846