Vol. 8, Issue 2 (2020)
Evaluation of production potential and economic feasibility of forage based cropping sequences in western plain zone of UP
Author(s): Roop Kishor Pachauri, Mohan Lal, Rahul Kumar, Rajvir Singh, RB Yadav and Mukesh Kumar
Abstract: The field experiment was conducted during 2017-18 at Crop Research Centre of Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel University of Agriculture & Technology, Meerut (U.P.) to evaluate the Studies on the Comparative Production Potential of Forage Based Cropping Sequences and Their Economic Feasibility in Western Plain Zone of U.P. The experiment was laied in randomized block design with four replications and 06 forage based cropping sequences viz. T1 – Sorghum (Single cut) –Berseem, T2 – Sorghum (Single cut) – Oat (F), T3– Sorghum (F) + Cowpea (F) – Barley, T4 –Rice – Wheat, T5 –Maize (F) + Cowpea (F) – Berseem and T6 – Guar (F) – Garden pea (F). Among six crop sequences tested Maize (F) + Cowpea (F) – Berseem cropping sequence led to record the maximum productivity (1583.72 q/ha) in terms of berseem equivalent yield. Guar (F) – Garden pea (F) obtained minimum berseem equivalent yield (548 q/ha). Total dry matter yield was found maximum under Maize (F) + Cowpea (F) – Berseem (363.47 q/ha) and minimum in crop sequence Guar (F) – Garden pea (F) (153.51 q/ha). Total protein yield was recorded highest in crop sequence of Maize (F) + Cowpea (F) – Berseem (41.42 q/ha) whereas lowest in Rice – Wheat (12.09 q/ha) crop sequence. Crop sequence Maize (F) + Cowpea (F) – Berseem recorded the maximum uptake of N (669.39 kg/ha) whereas minimum uptake of N was noted with Rice – Wheat (208.26 kg/ha). Total uptake of P was noticed maximum in Maize (F) + Cowpea (F) – Berseem (136.99 kg/ha) and minimum in Guar (F) – Garden pea (F) crop sequence (70.04 kg/ha). Uptake of K was highest in Maize (F) + Cowpea (F) – Berseem (523.69 kg/ha) and lowest in Rice – Wheat (157.59 kg/ha). The highest Gross return noticed in Maize (F) + Cowpea (F) – Berseem (304406 Rs ha-1) all the other treatment followed by Sorghum (Single cut) – Berseem (260338 Rs ha-1) and the Minimum Gross return in (136830 Rs ha-1) observed in Rice – Wheat cropping system. The maximum net return was recorded in Maize (F) + Cowpea (F) – Berseem (251264 Rs ha-1) and minimum in Rice – Wheat crop sequence and highest benefit cost ratio calculated in Maize (F) + Cowpea(F) – Berseem (4.72) and lowest (1.31) in Rice – Wheat crop sequence. On the basis of one-year data pertaining concluded that the Maize (F) + Cowpea (F) – Berseem proved to be the best cropping system under western plain zone of Uttar Pradesh in terms of maximum berseem equivalent yield, total protein yield, total dry matter yield. The total nitrogen uptake, total phosphorus uptake and total potassium uptake was also highest in T5 followed by Sorghum (Single cut) – Berseem with berseem equivalent yield. On the basis of economic evaluation such (Maize (F) + Cowpea (F) – Berseem) cropping sequence was recorded more beneficial than the other cropping sequence.
DOI: 10.22271/chemi.2020.v8.i2i.8827
Pages: 578-584 | 694 Views 119 Downloads
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How to cite this article:
Roop Kishor Pachauri, Mohan Lal, Rahul Kumar, Rajvir Singh, RB Yadav, Mukesh Kumar. Evaluation of production potential and economic feasibility of forage based cropping sequences in western plain zone of UP. Int J Chem Stud 2020;8(2):578-584. DOI: 10.22271/chemi.2020.v8.i2i.8827