Vol. 8, Issue 2 (2020)
Comparative study of growth and yield attributes of different paddy cultivars under Tarai region of Uttar Pradesh
Author(s): Arun Pratap Singh, Ashok Rai, Vikas Singh and AK Dubey
Abstract: Paddy is a predominant kharif crop of Tarai region of Uttar Pradesh which plays a major role in augmenting the income of small and marginal farmers of tarai region of Uttar Pradesh. One of the major constraints of low productivity of paddy is non-adoption of improved package of practices. In this view, a study was carried out at Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Kushinagar farm during the kharif season 2015-16 with ten high yielding varieties of paddy under three categories, scented fine category viz. HUBR-10-9(V3), HUBR-2-1(V1), HUR-4-3(V7), P-1121(V10), P-1612(V6), fine category viz. BPT-5204(V8), HUR-36(V5), HUR-3022(V2) and coarse category viz. P-44(V9), Saryu-52(V4). The experiment was laid out in Randomized Complete Block Design with three replications. The observation were recorded on growth attributing traits viz. plant height (cm), number of tillers per sq.mt., leaf area index and dry matter of plant (g per sqm.) and yield attributing traits viz. Number of panicles per plant, panicle length (cm), number of grains per panicle, number of fertile grains per panicle, grain yield (q/ha), straw yield (q/ha) and grain: straw ratio. Good agricultural practices (GAP) were applied to raise healthy paddy crop. Maximum grain yield was recorded under V4 (59.5 q/ha) which was statistically at par with V3 (57.5 q/ha), V7 (55 q/ha), V9 (59.33 q/ha) and significantly superior than rest other varieties, while under scented group V3 recorded highest yield (57.5 q/ha) and under fine rice group V7 recorded highest yield (55 q/ha) both V3 and V7 are at par with V4. Maximum straw yield was recorded under V9 (70.5 q/ha) which was statistically at par with V3 (70.2 q/ha), V4 (70 q/ha), V7 (65 q/ha) and significantly superior than rest other varieties. Grain: straw ratio was maximum recorded under V4, V7 and V9 (0.85) which was statistically at par with rest other varieties. Although Saryu-52 is predominant paddy variety in this region and its yield was found maximum but it is closely related to P-44 (under coarse grain category). So it can be replaced by P-44. Under fine category BPT-5204 is predominant paddy variety in this region but its yield is poor and badly affected by draught and diseases, so under fine category it could be replace by HUR-3022 and under scented group HUBR-10-9 could be promoted in this region.
DOI: 10.22271/chemi.2020.v8.i2b.8758
Pages: 129-132 | 1027 Views 271 Downloads
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How to cite this article:
Arun Pratap Singh, Ashok Rai, Vikas Singh, AK Dubey. Comparative study of growth and yield attributes of different paddy cultivars under Tarai region of Uttar Pradesh. Int J Chem Stud 2020;8(2):129-132. DOI: 10.22271/chemi.2020.v8.i2b.8758