Vol. 8, Issue 1 (2020)
Square formation, boll retention, yield and quality parameters of Bt and non-Bt cotton in relation to plant density and NPK levels
Author(s): MR Thakur
Abstract: A Two year experiment was conducted to study the effect of plant densities and NPK levels on Bt and non-Bt cotton in split plot with four replications. The result shows that non-Bt cotton produced taller plant, more monopodia and sympodia, higher leaf area index (LAI). Whereas, Bt cotton had maximum specific leaf weight (SLW), net assimilation rate (NAR), square formation rate (SFR), fruit production efficiency (FPE), boll retention efficiency (BRE), boll growth rate, yield attributes and thus produced higher seed cotton yield than non-Bt. Bt cotton minimized the boll maturation period and impart earliness in cotton. The Bt cotton enhanced ginning out turn whereas, staple length and micronaire value remained higher in non-Bt. As regards plant density, spacing of 90x60cm recorded more monopodia and sympodia, maximum SLW, NAR, SFR, BRE, picked bolls and seed cotton yield per plant than 90x45cm. On contrary higher plant density under 90x45cm spacing increased plant height, LAI, FPE and seed cotton yield per ha. Each increased level of NPK significantly increased plant height, number of monopodia, sympodia and LAI over lower level. The application of 75:37.5:37.5kg NPK ha-1 significantly increased SLW, NAR, SFR, FPE, BRE, boll growth rate, boll weight, picked bolls, seed cotton yield per ha and augment the lint quality traits like uniformity ratio and micronaire value over lowest level of NPK i.e. 50:25:25kg NPK ha-1. However, lowest level of NPK improved the lint elongation.
DOI: 10.22271/chemi.2020.v8.i1ap.8685
Pages: 2741-2753 | 737 Views 220 Downloads
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How to cite this article:
MR Thakur. Square formation, boll retention, yield and quality parameters of Bt and non-Bt cotton in relation to plant density and NPK levels. Int J Chem Stud 2020;8(1):2741-2753. DOI: 10.22271/chemi.2020.v8.i1ap.8685