Vol. 8, Issue 1 (2020)
Calibration of FAO-aquacrop model for summer chilli (Capsicum annuum L.) in Marathwada region
Author(s): SJ Supekar, Dr. AS Kadale and Dr. RG Bhagyawant
Abstract: Crop models are useful for different purposes; primarily, to interpret experimental results and as research tools for research knowledge synthesis. Lengthy and expensive field experiments, especially with a high number of treatments, can be pre-evaluated through a well-proven model. Optimum management practices, either strategic or tactic, such as planting date, cultivar selection, fertilization, or water and pesticides usage, can be assessed through proven simulation models for making seasonal or within-season decisions. The capability of AquaCrop model is tested and confirmed by various researches throughout the world. Findings of the field study were used to calibrate the AquaCrop Model for summer chilli in Marathwada region. Results from this study provided a set of first estimates for the calibration of the AquaCrop model on chilli for Marathwada conditions and for further testing and validation of the model at other agroclimatic conditions. AquaCrop model was calibrated by using field data of full irrigation treatment with harvesting index of 75% and water productivity 30 g/m2 as there was close match between observed and simulated canopy cover with high value statistical parameter of R2NS =0.97 and CRM = -0.051. It was also cleared that the canopy cover was overestimated by model particularly during 36 to 84 DAT i.e. during development stage. But the scatter plot clears that as the canopy cover lie on both sides of 1:1 line, there was no consistent over or under estimation.
DOI: 10.22271/chemi.2020.v8.i1am.8656
Pages: 2574-2578 | 684 Views 143 Downloads
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How to cite this article:
SJ Supekar, Dr. AS Kadale, Dr. RG Bhagyawant. Calibration of FAO-aquacrop model for summer chilli (Capsicum annuum L.) in Marathwada region. Int J Chem Stud 2020;8(1):2574-2578. DOI: 10.22271/chemi.2020.v8.i1am.8656