Vol. 8, Issue 1 (2020)
To study the resource management behaviour of pomegranate growers in respect of planning, procurement and utilization
Author(s): A Idhole, MA Raut, RC Sawant and Dr. KT Lahariya
Abstract: The study entitled “Resource management behaviour of pomegranate growers in Washim District”. The study was conducted in two panchayat samities of Washim district in Vidarbha region of Maharashtra State. The district is located in the Vidarbha Region of Maharashtra, India. The present study was purposively conducted in Mangarulpir and Manora Panchayat samities in the Washim district on the basis of higher area under the cultivation of Pomegranate crop. The form of study was mainly to assess resource management behaviours of pomegranate growers. Hence, total 12 villages were selected from 2 panchayat samities. The respondents were selected from village by random sampling technique. 10 respondents were selected from each village. Thus 120 respondents were selected for the present study for making the sample size of 120 in total. exploratory design of social research was used. The characteristics viz Education (0.233) source of information (0.229), were positively significant with procurement of resources of the respondents at 0.05% level of probability. The characteristics Land holding and irrigation facility were non significant and the characteristics Age (-0.312) was negatively significant with the procurement of resource of the respondents
Experience in pomegranate cultivation (0.226), Training received (0.189), Management orientation (0.187), Education and annual income (0.182), size of orchard (0.180) and source of information (0.179), were positively significant with Utilization of resources of the respondents at 0.05% level of probability.
It is observed that over half of majority (60.00%) of pomegranate growers have shown about managing the resources to moderate extent. Distribution pertaining to utilization of resources indicate that majority of the respondents (79.16%) have utilized resources for pomegranate cultivation to high extent.
DOI: 10.22271/chemi.2020.v8.i1al.8643
Pages: 2491-2498 | 549 Views 124 Downloads
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How to cite this article:
A Idhole, MA Raut, RC Sawant, Dr. KT Lahariya. To study the resource management behaviour of pomegranate growers in respect of planning, procurement and utilization. Int J Chem Stud 2020;8(1):2491-2498. DOI: 10.22271/chemi.2020.v8.i1al.8643